I know some of you are curious about the details of Sawyer's entrance into the world, so I thought I'd share his story. Our story, really, because we both worked like a team to make it happen! I had always thought that when I had babies I wanted to do it naturally, without drugs or medication. My own mother did it with no problem, so why couldn't I? After following up with some research on childbirth options, I felt even more aligned with the natural way, and decided that was the way I would do it. Recognizing that you can't always predict how things will go and if there might be special circumstances, I also had to be open to whatever happened that would be best for me and the baby in the long run. But I planned to have a natural birth, nonetheless. I wanted to have as much control as possible over my body and giving birth to my baby. Jacob was supportive of however I wanted to do it, which I was certainly grateful for! So many people either straight out said I was crazy for wanting to do it naturally, or gave me a look like 'are you serious?' (Of course I was serious!)
So, we took childbirth classes through the hospital's birth center. They were okay. Most people in the class just wanted to know when they could get the epidural. Most did not seem to think they would need any other coping technique. I was slightly disappointed. After interviewing a few OBs to find out which patients had the most success with a natural delivery - and what methods or techniques they used - I learned about hypnobirthing. We found a hypnotherapist who specializes in labor and birth, and met with her for a couple of sessions to learn and practice the Mongan hypnobirthing method. I also read the book and outlined the exercises that felt best suited to me. I read anything and everything, watched videos - studied everything from The Bradley Method to Lamaze, and was fascinated by the film The Business of Being Born. I took from each what I loved and incorporated it into my hypnobirthing practice. The thing is, just like training for a race or a marathon (which, come on, labor definitely is!) we needed to practice. It was definitely more of a commitment. We practiced about 5 hours a week. Ideally, at least 30 minutes a day. Hypnobirthing consists of learning the skills of deep relaxation, visual imagery, and the like. The basic idea is to learn how to relax all the muscles in your body so that your body can do the job it was meant to do - give birth. Learning to be confident and trust in the body God created for women, which was made perfect for birthing babies, is also a key element. As you learn to trust in your body and the natural process of birth (and understand the physiological aspects of the birth process) you can then relax and prepare for a calm and gentle birth for the baby. By learning these skills, the idea is that you interrupt the fear-tension-pain cycle created by our culture's ideas and messages about childbirth. That's the long and short of it anyway! Now...
I woke up on Thursday, June 12th, with a sort of crampy feeling. I didn't want to wake Jacob, but I couldn't sleep. I could sense something was different. By 6am I was curious what was going on...was this really it? Were these the surges (contractions) I had been anxiously waiting for? Jacob got up to get ready for work and found me sitting in the gliding rocking chair in the nursery. I told him I thought something was happening but I wasn't sure. Something was definitely happening - it wasn't painful, but it didn't seem to be stopping, either. He wondered if he should stay home from work. I told him he should go ahead and go. In the meantime, I had tried changing positions, and even showered and still, the little surges kept coming, sporadically, yet with somewhat of a pattern. Jacob called our Doc's office. They told him not to go to work, and to call and check in if they got closer together. By 10am the surges were coming about 5-7 minutes. We called to check in with our caregivers and told them we wanted to stay at home as long as possible. During our time at home, we listened to the hypnobirthing CDs, and we baked a birthday cake for Sawyer. I had read somewhere about having a labor activity, and I decided it would be fun to have something to look forward to during labor - the cake seemed like the perfect idea. And I was definitely in early labor! So, Jacob and I worked together and made a birthday cake for our baby boy! It was fun to do together. I was still amazed that today would be the day! As afternoon approached, we started considering when we should go to the hospital's birth center. I felt like we should get there before I got too uncomfortable. We packed things up and headed their direction, and checked in around just before 4pm. Everything was still quite manageable. They monitored me for about 30 minutes, during which time they said I was dilated to about 3cm and about 95% effaced. They told me the effacement was excellent. We met our nurse and discussed our birth plan with her. As we were doing so, I suddenly became quite nauseous and then vomited. Soon after - my water broke! Then things started to get rolling. We requested a nurse that was supportive of or particular to natural birth. And we got one - actually, we got 2 because they changed shifts not long after we got there. Our 2nd nurse was especially outstanding. Just like requested, I did not have an IV (as long as I stayed hydrated, which I did). Jacob did light touch massage and I used the birthing ball for a couple of hours. We continued listening to our hypnobirthing CDs with positive birth affirmations and quiet music. Things were peaceful, quiet, and moving along well, as far as we could tell. When things started getting more intense, we went to the Jacuzzi tub. Slipping under that warm water with the jets beating all around my body felt like heaven. But heaven didn't last forever. After about 2 hours in the tub, things suddenly got more intense, and it was then that they checked me and told me I was in transition, or at 7cm. I decided to get out of the tub - and they told me to get ready because baby would be here soon! About thirty minutes later, they told me to do a practice push - and then the real thing! I couldn't believe how good it felt to finally be at that stage - pushing and knowing I would soon meet my baby. They dimmed the lights in the room and we had quiet music playing, as requested. I feel so so blessed that we had such awesome staff who respected our wishes. I also feel grateful that my body allowed me to have the natural birth I had planned for. Pushing was my favorite part (isn't it everyones?) It just felt so good. The pressure was strangely excellent. You hear of people saying they had a pain-free birth. I won't claim that it was pain-free. The surges during transition took a lot of mind power to get through, and I was so grateful for all of my preparation that helped me remain calm and in as much control as possible - it was like riding some major waves, and anticipating when they might come or go. Like when you're surfing - knowing another huge wave is coming so you better get ready. And then, not knowing when the set of waves might end so you can escape safely to shore and rest. Yet, the brief break in between waves was so rejuvenating. Anyway, after 30 minutes of pushing and at 8:50pm, Sawyer entered the world! He was born with his little hand right by his head (I tore, of course). He weighed 5lbs 12oz. and was 18 inches long. A tiny little guy! They gave him right to me. He didn't cry, he just looked around wide-eyed at the new world around him. So mellow. They followed our request of holding off on the eye ointment the first hour for optimal bonding time and instant breastfeeding. He was just so so calm and alert. And CUTE! All the medical staff were amazed at how alert he was. I have to say, it was love at first sight. I am so enamored with my son. The day after we got home from the hospital, we had Sawyer's Birthday cake. We sang him "Happy Birthday" and the cutest thing ever was that when we sang, he looked right up at me and he smiled. He is awesome at nursing, and loves hanging out with his parents. After only 4 days, he just about back at his birth weight. Doc said that it usually takes 10 days and that he is really a great baby. Of course, I agree! He is a mellow little man, and so alert for a newborn! We certainly couldn't be more lucky or blessed. This is my dream come true - all I have ever truly wanted in life was to be a mom. Now, I am living my dream and loving it! And Jacob is loving it right along with me. Giving birth, no matter how it happens, is such a miracle! Hooray for life's miracles!!!