Well, it's that most wonderful time of the year again, where we get to continue with our family tradition of counting down the days until Christmas by celebrating in a small, simple, yet fun way every day. Remember last year?As I've been looking into activities for a while, I've found even more fun things to do this year, hence, some of the activities are the same as last year, and others are something new to try. Since it is late and I'm still a little jumbled on what to do when, this list is subject to editing in the next few days, and dependent for certain events on the weather...but until then...here's a good idea of what we have to look forward to each day! I will also work on compiling a list of things we've done or would like to someday do at the bottom (may take me a little while). As always, if you'd like to join in on an activity, just let us know! Or, if you have an activity we should add to the list, also let us know - we're trying out 2 this year that were tips from others last year!Happy Christmas Season to all!
Day 1: (today!) Deck the Halls!
Scripture: Luke 8:41-56 (Jesus Christ was compassionate)
Oh my goodness! Sawyer had the best time helping decorate the tree (we actually did that part last night for Family Home Evening). We did the rest of the decorating today. I know Sawyer doesn't really "get" who Santa is yet, but he has seen Santas, Snowmen, and Nutcrackers everywhere we go so he is now obsessed with the book "The Polar Express", which we read (in full) about 6 times a day. He is so cute, he says "Anta". I think he's going to enjoy Christmas this year even more than last year!
Day 2: Write Christmas Newsletter/Address Envelopes
Scripture: Luke 7:36-50 (Jesus Christ was forgiving)
Day 3: Read favorite Christmas Stories (ie. The Gift of the Magi, The Polar Express, The Animals Christmas Eve, etc.)
Scripture: John 4:46-53 (Jesus Christ has the power to heal)
Day 4: Go downtown to enjoy the
23rd Annual Great Figgy Pudding Street Corner Caroling Competition (we've gone for the past 3 years and it's one of our favorite events to look forward to each year...we'll be looking for the Llew Crew and the Starbucks Choir...)
Scripture: John 2:13-17 (Jesus Christ was reverent; opposed evil)
Day 5: Enjoy some time at the Seattle Center
Winterfest and listen to some live Christmas music: The Seattle Girls' Choir & the NW BoyChoir has a free performance in the Center House, there is an amazing Train & Village for Sawyer to drool over (and perhaps take a turn conducting?), Ice-skaters to watch, a historic Carousel to ride ($1/ride), and if we stay late, there will be bonfires with more casual choirs performing outside. They have wonderful (and mostly, free) activities happening all month long!
Scripture: Mark 4:35-41 (Jesus Christ has power over the elements)
Day 6: Watch Broadcast of our Church's World-wide Christmas Devotional
Scripture: Mark 10:13-16 (Jesus Christ loves little children)
Day 7: Family Home Evening: Pick a name from the "giving tree" and shop for a child who is less fortunate than we are. (We usually visit the tree at University Village).
Scripture: Luke 10:38-42 (Jesus Christ made people happy)
Day 8: Have a Hot Chocolate Party before bed.
Scripture: Luke 22:41-45 (Jesus Christ sacrificed for others)
Day 9: Visit the Children's Museum
Festival of Light. This week the cultural focus is on Scandinavian traditions and Santa Lucia.
Scripture: John 13:3-17 (Jesus Christ was humble)
Day 10: Bake some Christmas Goodies to share with our neigbors.
Scripture: Luke 6:12-13 (Jesus Christ as prayerful)
Day 11: Enjoy a bonfire on the beach and the
Argosy Christmas Ship and fleet, along with the choir on board, at Carkeek Park. This is also a favorite tradition. The Christmas Ship and fleet of boats are all lit up with lights and good cheer, and they have great speakers that blast Christmas Songs and the live choir performance for a good 20 minutes. Add the bonfire and the beach and it's pretty much perfect (even if it can be pretty darn chilly, too!) *note* you can buy a ticket and actually ride the Christmas Ship, we just never have. I'm sure it would be delightful!
Scripture: Luke 2:51-52 (Jesus Christ obeyed his parents)
Day 12: Go to a Christmas Party! (Ours will be one put on by our Church)
Scripture: Matthew 3:13-17 (Jesus Christ was obedient to God's law)
Day 13: Invite friends over to make Gingerbread Houses (we've invited our former neighbors from Queen Anne/S. Lake Union neighborhood for a long-overdue dinner and fun to follow!)
Scripture: Matthew 5:2-16 (Jesus Christ gave wise counsel)
Day 14: Family Home Evening: Christmas, Culture, & Traditions: Scandinavia & Norway
Scripture: Luke 2:42-49 (Jesus Christ, even when 12, was a great Teacher)
Day 15: Wrap & drop off gifts to the Giving Tree.
Scripture: Matthew 6:9-13 (Jesus Christ taught how to pray)
Day 16: Watch a Christmas Movie.
Scripture: Luke 8:5-16 (Jesus Christ taught with stories)
Day 17: Visit the Reindeer, Camel, Donkey & Train at Swanson's Nursery.
Scripture: Luke 15:4-7 (Jesus Christ helped sinners)
Day 18: Wrap Presents
Scripture: Luke 10:29-36 (Jesus Christ was kind)
Day 19: Go downtown to visit Santa at Nordstrom (and be prepared for a long wait in line...but it's worth it!) Then, walk on over to the Sheraton Hotel and check out
Gingerbread Village.Scripture: John 14:26-27 (Jesus Christ promised the Gift of the Holy Spirit)
Day 20: Go see some Christmas lights. This year, we are going to venture over to the "East Side" and meander through the
Bellevue Botanical Garden d'Lights.(we got a tip last year to go check it out!)
Scripture: Matthew 14:15-21 (Jesus Christ made miracles)
Day 21: Family Home Evening: Watch the Charlie Brown Christmas Special and take time to reflect about our Savior and our personal relationship with him. Sing some favorite Christ-related Christmas songs together.
Scripture: John 11:40-44 (Jesus Christ raised the dead)
Day 22: Have a Twinkle Party. Turn off all lights except for Christmas Tree lights and enjoy gazing at the lights while listening to favorite Christmas music.
Scripture: Luke 1:26-33 (Jesus Christ is the son of God)
Day 23: Weather permitting: play in some snow
Scripture: Luke 2:1-11 (Jesus Christ fulfilled prophecy)
Day 24: Annual Kemp Christmas Eve Gathering (family, friends and neighbors) There is usually a traditional dinner and a small program (and tons of good people, conversation, food & festivities!)
Scripture: Matthew 2:9-12, Luke 2:12-16 (Jesus Christ was worshipped)
Day 25: Merry, Merry Christmas to all!
Other Ideas: (I will complete this and have it ready for next year!)
X=No-Cost Activities
$=Low-Cost Activities
$$-$$$=Gotta have some Cash Activities