For our family vacation this year we went to Southern California. The trip had dual purpose: first, we attended the wedding of Jacob's sister, Mia, in Lake Arrowhead {It was the first wedding I have photographed, officially - to see pics, click here}. Secondly, we spent as much time at the beach as possible! We stayed two blocks from Venice Beach and also a couple of days with an old friend near Laguna Beach (who totally helped with the kids and spoiled them with lots of love and little treats - thanks Mel!). I will let the pics speak for themselves!
I have to add that Melinda gave Aspen her first real nickname (I call her "little sister" and "sweet girl" a lot...but she needed a good nickname!) She started singing to her to the tune of a well-known Beatles song: Penny Jane (you know, the latter part of As-PEN + her middle name). So Aspen's new nickname, which seems to be sticking, is Penny Jane. Cute, huh?

Our only souvenirs are our memories, photos, and, yes, I did get two new pair of my fave shoes in the world: flip flops! RAINBOWS to top it off - my first pair!
*pardon my obsession with making everything "vintage" lately in my post-processing...I guess I was in a "Gidget" mood :) I snuck our Holga cameras into our luggage and Jacob and I took some rolls of REAL FILM while on our trip. Gotta love the real stuff, 120 is pretty awesome. There you go. Dreamy Memories Made!!!!