Saturday, we had a hot date.
It was the first date we've been on (sans children) since Aspen was born - over 8 months ago.
My mom flew in just to babysit. It was the first time I've ever been away from my children any distance (a 3 hours drive), and the first time I've left Aspen with a babysitter. I told Jacob we could never leave our kids for a week or even a few days...at least right now when they're so little. It was hard enough for me to leave for half a day, let alone a whole day, or more. Call me a wimp, I know there are people who leave their kids to go on vacation, I just don't think I am one who can do that. To me, that would be torture (and no doubt no fun for Jacob). Oh well.
Half a day away was heaven for us!
We put the kids down for their naps and said goodbye, packed some snacks, a couple of cameras, and the breast pump (believe me, I was glad we did, ha!) and Jacob drove me to The Gorge. It's this beautiful place in the middle of nowhere. It's a magical place. You might say it's where one night (a little over 4 years ago), under the stars, while being serenaded by the likes of Sufjan Stevens, Iron & Wine, and Ben Harper's acoustic guitar, we decided to take a chance on each other. (Okay, I'll quit being sappy now). Anyway. It was awesome to be back at The Gorge. And this time, listening to Jack Johnson. I'm a big fan.
I tried to convince 3 different people I was a member of the press so I could bring my camera in. Once they saw the huge thing hanging around my neck they said "no way - no pro cameras allowed". (Too bad I didn't save that press pass I had back from my internship in High School at Z21 news.) So, after Jacob laughing at (and being ever-so-patient with) my stubborn, hard-headedness, we locked the big stuff in the trunk and settled for the Holga. (btw - smart people carry point-and-shoots). We took a few in the parking lot, anyway :) Proof that we were there. That this date happened.
Some things, though, are just meant to be captured and burned into your memory (and not on a memory card)...
It was a sold-out show.
We acted like college kids.
We felt like college kids (for the most part).
We grooved our way into the front of the crowd, 50 feet from the stage.
We kissed in the middle of that huge, sold-out crowd, under the stars.
We danced. Smiled. Laughed. Loved.
Jacob teases me because there are a few of my favorite musicians who I call by their first names. Jack is one of them. (There's also Ben, Bob, Dave...) Anyway, he teases because I'm always like "Did you know Jack donates 100% of the profit from his tour to hand-picked non-profit organizations? And he married his college sweetheart and has 3 kids, And he's such a down-to-earth, family kinda guy". I know, I'm silly. But I appreciate people in the spotlight who are genuine, good people and for a change offer a good example to this world.
Well, Jack is pretty awesome, but guess what? I have my own "Jack". But his name is Jacob.
He gives his time to serve others, and most especially me and our family.
Everything he does is to make me happy.
He is honest, kind, and generous.
He's sincere and genuine.
He married me, and we have two beautiful babies.
He's down-to-earth and easy going.
Everyone loves him. He's kind. And smart. And handsome!
He took me surfing on our honeymoon.
He's a good example of the kind of man any young guy could look up to.
He's the kind of man any girl could wish to marry.
He even plays the guitar, and sings.
He's written songs for me.
He's mine.
Thanks to my Jacob for taking me on a dream date. And so much more...
Special thanks to my mom for caring for our kids for 12 hours.
I kinda forgot how much fun it is to date my husband. I don't think we should wait 8 months again to go on another date!