Easter has now come and gone.
It was a good one - dare I say even perfect?
I caught some little bunnies in the woods...

Sunday morning, I even made sure we all coordinated.
It almost felt like family picture day or something.
But it was fun - and truth be told, I coordinate what my girl and I wear to church pretty much every week. I'm kinda weird like that.

Obviously I did a little photo sesh with the kids. I made them wear bunny ears and encouraged them to run through sunny trails at the park (it didn't take much encouraging - they love being outside! Even in a dress and a tie!). I just couldn't resist. I haven't decided if someday they'll hate me for all the photos I take of them, or love me for capturing them so often. Time will tell...in the meantime, I love it!
Below, you will find some photos of what our real Easter Egg Hunt was like. The kids ditched the bunny ears mid-way through the hunt, and so as not to loose them, I wore a pair and made Jacob wear some, too. (as you can imagine, he loved wearing them - what a good sport!).

The kids went bonkers over the candy.
We never have candy at home (only ice-cream :)
and really it was aspen's first taste - see her little cheeks stuffed full of jelly beans?
mmm hmm.

Saturday was seriously AMAZING. 78 degrees. Sunny.
HEAVENLY! We SO needed that vitamin D!!!
Jacob had to work a bit in the morning, and then we went to an Easter Egg Hunt with some friends.
We spend the afternoon hiking with the kids (good thing we have TWO backpacks!) and playing at the beach, searching in the tidepools at Discovery Park as it was low tide.
Jacob was going to try to sneak away and get me flowers for Easter. It's hard to be sneaky when you only have one car. In the end, I told him I would rather go have a burger after our lovely hike than flowers. I know, I'm weird like that. And lucky for me, I get flowers often enough that I figured I could live without them this Easter. He just laughed at me, and we took the kidlets to Red Robin. They love it there! I ordered the same thing I always order (whiskey river bbq burger). It hit the spot.
I thought, "this is one of the best days of my life."
I haven't thought that in a while.
I am SO happy that I am feeling better, more like my usual self.
Seriously, can't describe how happy I am to be feeling better.
And Easter?
A blessed day. Of course we found some surprises in our Easter baskets this morning, but I tried really hard not to go overboard. In fact, I had the idea that maybe next year we will start a tradition of doing the Easter baskets all on Saturday so we can focus a little more clearly on Sunday.
It's hard to explain why we celebrate Easter to a 1 year old and a 2 year old. We talked with Sawyer about it. The best I could do in a simple way, was to tell him that Jesus died, and went away. And that later, he came back. And his friends were sooo happy to see him. And it was a special gift - for all of us. Now, Sawyer knows that Jesus is our friend, so after some thought, he said "is he going to come to our townhouse to see us too because we are his friends?"
I just smiled and told him, "maybe someday, but not today."
and he said, "I am happy!"
Oh, children. Bless their sweet, innocent, ever-faithful souls.
I hope your Easter weekend was something spectacular in it's own way. Something fun, and something to remember.