Another year older
I can't believe my firstborn is three years old today!!!

we've been practicing the three fingers for a few days, now.
a little tricky...but coming along

We decided to keep his birthday fairly simple this year.
(there will be a joint little pool party with his friend next weekend - we decided to relax and let the pool staff do all the work this time!)
We will have a little family party this afternoon, with just our little family of four. There will be singing, there will be presents, and there will be cake & ice-cream, of course.
Since we decided to keep it simple, I thought the one thing I would do is make the boy a special cake. Months ago (I am a plan-ahead type of gal) I asked him what kind of a cake he wanted. At first, it was a Monster Truck cake. I kept wracking my brain how I would ever make a Monster Truck cake...but then he changed his mind, and he wanted a Race Car cake, instead. Last week I kept asking if he wanted chocolate or vanilla cake and he just kept saying: "a race car cake!" So...I decided to do chocolate with chocolate buttercream frosting - and fondant on top. It was my first time giving fondant a whirl, and a friend graciously let me borrow a car-shaped cake pan...which was WAY easier than me baking a cake and carving it into a race car (as I had envisioned) and wah-la (several hours of hard work later...)!
The cake:

Can't forget the candles!
I am excited to see his reaction to the sparkler candle!

Yep, he's 3 now.
Dear three-year-old Sawyer,
We made it past the "terrible twos", whew!
(They weren't that terrible, thank goodness!)
Some of your favorite things to do right now include: anything outside - you love going to Nature School, you love going to parks and beaches, you love riding your balance bike, you have started singing songs out loud to your self and also "reading" (reciting books you know by heart and pretending to read them to yourself). You know how to sing your ABC's and you also know each of the letters and their phonetic sounds. You like counting. You LOVE reading books. You LOVE anything with wheels, but especially cars, trucks, and Monster Trucks, which makes me laugh sometimes. Monster trucks, really? You love family home evening, duck duck goose, and twister. You love daddy's guitar. You love Red Mill hamburgers and fries. You love your friends and their parents. You love your family (ah, shucks!) You love the color blue, and you are a true Seattleite, because when the sun comes out you say "I'm so HAPPY!" You also love wearing flip flops and hate wearing socks. Oh, and you also like dinosaurs, and especially DRAGONS.
You are as cute as a button. Oh, I mean handsome as can be. Strangers often comment on what a good-looking guy you are. You are small for your age, yet very well coordinated. I keep thinking you'll be quite the studly soccer guy (we will see!)
This past year has been a good one. In all honesty, it was a hard one, but a good one. Not that you were all that hard - but things were hard for me because I was sick for so long. I am sorry for that. I am not superwoman by any means. I put all of my best efforts into you, into our family. And in spite of our WORST moments, and amidst our weaknesses (yours and mine, both), I hope there is one thing you remember...
that during those moments, we both sink to the floor, and we sigh a big sigh and we hug big big hugs and we wipe away tears and we use our words and we say how we feel and we say we are sorry. And then we start whispering "secrets"
and you know it's really no secret
(but I whisper it anyway, because you like it)
Yes, I certainly do. And in our BEST moments, when we're laughing, and rolling on the floor or racing down the hallway, or dancing all silly...we still whisper secrets - the same ones. (Sometimes we shout them, too!) I'm sure one day you will be embarrassed at what a sappy ole' mama you have. And that's okay. Just as long as you always know that I love you more than anything.
I hope and pray that I am leading and guiding you in a way our Father in Heaven would be proud of. Often, I contemplate the task of guiding you through this life and I am utterly humbled. I see the world as beautiful, but I also know of some of the darkness and craziness and confusion that abounds here. All I want for you is pure and honest happiness and joy. I want you to be able to experience the deep and satisfying joy that comes from living virtuously and getting married in the temple. I want you to strengthen your spiritual muscles by serving a mission. I want you to study what you love, and then love the work you do during your life. I want you to know how to laugh off a bad day, and to know that's it's okay to cry now and then - even for a guy. I want you one day to come throw me over your shoulders and spin me around until I scream and yell stop, while laughing and being secretly pleased that my boy loves me enough to tease me. I know that the truest happiness comes at a price, and I hope you are willing to pay the price it takes through sacrifice and dedication, to always have peace, comfort, and happiness with you...during all the ups and downs and places you will journey as you navigate the course of your life each day.
I know there is a lot you can learn from me, but honestly, there is so much I learn from you everyday. Thank you for teaching me to be more patient - both with you, and with myself. Thank you for not holding any grudges against me when I tell you "no" to fruit snacks for the 25th time in one day. Thank you for calling me "mama". I really, really love it. (even when you shout it really really loud!) And the list could go on...
Lastly, thank you for being my son, and for letting me be your Mother. I have looked forward to it all of my life, and I am enjoying each moment. Sometimes the moments are all too fleeting - and selfishly, I wish you could stay my baby - or now, my little boy - forever. But we have a deal (don't you know it!) that I'll love you forever and like you for always, and that as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be. I love it when you sing your part to me, because somehow, I believe it has sunk in that I will always be your Mommy and you will always be my baby.
(even when you have a house across town)
Okay, I should sign off. There's so much more I could say, but I'll save it for another day.
I love watching you learn and grow - you are a smart one.
Here's a pinch to grow an inch!
Love always,
Your (34-year-old) Momma