Our Easter Weekend was a busy one. Busy, yet relaxing at the same time. I was purely exhausted by Sunday night and fell asleep before the kids did (this happens often when I'm pregnant). Saturday, I had two photo shoots, which was a lot since I've been taking things a lot slower. Both turned out to be lovely - a beautiful newborn baby boy and a fun couple from Portland (what a nice pat on the back!) came up, who are expecting their first baby just a couple of weeks after Hazel's due date. AND the weather was AMAZING! Spring is finally here and the sun and warmth came with it. It truly made my heart sing! Jacob did fun things with the kids while I was at work (so glad we live within walking distance to the library and awesome park and playground!) and he even did some yard work. He also made us dinner - all weekend (which he also likes to do, and I like it, too :) So, Saturday was so busy we didn't make it to any Easter Egg Hunts or the like, but we did have a good day getting some important things done as well as relaxing a bit and just playing with the kids. (Friday night we also had a fun family date night, it really kick-started a great weekend!)
On Sunday, we of course all got up and got ready for church. Aspen was a trooper and let me put the sponge curlers in her hair after her bath on Saturday night, and I was curious if she'd make it through the night with them in. A few times she said "my hair is too tight" so I "fixed" it a bit and was hoping once she fell asleep it would be okay. She did really well - though I don't think I'll torture her again that way for some time :) I told Jacob how I always thought it was uncomfortable when I was little, and he was like "then why are you having her do it?" Good point. Anyway, she did take out a few during the night, but oh well. It was pretty funky and crazy curly! Once dolled up in her dress and little clip, she got a lot of "Shirley Temple" comments at church. She is our little doll :) Of course there were Easter goodies - although we didn't do much candy. We did fresh fruit and a bit of chocolate, and then the kids got some fun new books and toys (a real porcelain tea set! We had a tea party today for lunch!)
Our church service was lovely and I was especially touched by one of the talks in which the speaker directed her message to the children (how often does that happen?) I loved it. And of course, we are all children at heart, so it really touched me as well. I could barely hold it together when the primary children sang "Gethsemane". Sawyer was supposed to go up and sing, too...but he got stage fright and wouldn't budge from my lap. I'm not really supposed to carry him around (and having him cling to my legs while standing in front of a bunch of people where my dress might accidentally come up, too, I didn't want to risk it) and Jacob had taken Aspen to the bathroom, so we just sat. He loves his Sunbeams teachers (I do too, they are awesome!) and it really really touched me when he said "Do you see Randy up there?" and I did. And I also saw that Randy looked right at Sawyer and smiled. Sawyer of course felt special for a tiny moment when he felt a little small, not wanting to join the crowd. I'm not sure if it's the pregnancy hormones because I'm just emotional a lot, easily touched - but especially when someone goes out of their way just a bit to smile at your child and make them feel special, it sure goes a long long way.
We picked up the kids from Primary and Nursery and they both got cupcakes (Sawyer's teachers were nice enough to save one for Aspen). The kids got all messy but I told Jacob I really wanted to take some pictures of them after church. Maybe I should have listened to Jacob when he reminded me that it was lunch time and nap time and it probably wouldn't be the ideal time...but stubborn me said, "let's just stop by the park anyway". So, we did. And the sun was out and it was gorgeous. The kids didn't want to cooperate to get their pictures taken, so I just got some candid ones of them while we were spending some time next to the duck pond, playing in the little flowers that were covering the grass. We played in the grass, helped spread dandylion seeds around the park, and threw plenty of rocks into the duck pond (the ducks think we're throwing food so they always come over to see the kids). We spent a good hour just being there together enjoying a glorious Easter Sunday.
We had lunch and naps and then we had an Easter Feast prepared by Jacob. We discovered that Aspen LOVES Artichokes just about as much as her Mama. We discovered that the kids LOVE the little music box (egg shaped globe) that has an Easter scene and plays "here comes Peter Cottontail". "Again!" I wound it up soooo many times. And for some reason the tune reminded Aspen of "I am a Child of God" because she would often start singing those words to go with the music box. After our lovely dinner and Strawberry Shortcake, we went back to the park and had a little Easter Egg Hunt, just us. The kids were ecstatic and so excited. We all fell into bed after that, it had been a busy and fun weekend. I am so grateful for my little family, and that we love to be together. I hope you all had a wonderful Easter Weekend as well - and amongst all the other fun things, somehow your heart was touched by pondering our Savior's atoning sacrifice, death, and resurrection. He lives!