After all of our travels and being gone most the month of August, it was good to be home again, and to work on finding a new rhythm for the fall. I laugh. Fall? It's still in the 90s here. Which is awesome, mostly - but I do miss soup, scarf, and tall boots weather and occasionally wearing more than a swim suit. It's so odd to think that my favorite season used to be summer, and now it's fall-winter-spring. I am STOKED that fall is absolutely perfect camping weather! We've already got some camping planned...
Anyway. September. Fall. Wow. This month, I tried to finish up a few of my big painting projects - I've literally painted just about every ceiling and wall of our home over the summer. A few tricky parts to go (ie the stairway that is super high and I am going to need to rent a special ladder to do). It's coming together, though. Looking good. Feeling even better - my environment has such an impact on me. So, slowly, our walls will be painted, our carpets cleaned - and then we will pretty much have a mostly empty house (we don't have a lot of furniture), but at least the walls will be fresh! We joke - we will fill our house up with the laughter of children instead of furniture ;) What's better than the laughter of children, anyway? Certainly not furniture! ;)
We love to be outdoors the most, anyway. Our adventures are many. And since the weather is "cooling off" we have been outside more and more. Hazel is an outdoors kind of gal. She's also an animal lover, we found out while visiting Oregon. She just can't get enough. Every time she sees an animal - she squeals with delight, and points and smiles. It's so fun to see, her happiness and pleasure at the simple things just spills over into our whole life.
Many moments I sit rocking or nursing her and just look at her sweet baby face, kissing and cuddling every piece of her - and the next moment, she's running around looking like a full-blown toddler. She is a bundle of energy, smiles, giggles, and love. I don't know what we'd ever do without our Hazel Gracie.
Hazel has also really been into books these days. I love how her brother and sister will sit and read with her. We laugh that she almost always finds certain books (with animals, of course) to read. She can't seem to get enough of "Old MacDonald Had a Farm", and "Brown Bear, Brown Bear". She's absolutely thrilled with cute little "Courderoy". Oh melt my heart, little ones!
The other day, I was thinking about the kids, and of how to be more intentional with my time with them, and one-on-one time, and it suddenly occurred to me: Aspen is the middle child! I guess I had never thought of her that way, since we hope to have more children, so she hopefully won't be in the "middle" forever - but sometimes, she just is that middle child. She and Sawyer are such the best, inseparable best friends, that sometimes I think of them as kind of a unit. But she IS a year and a half younger than him. She's such an easy going little lady, so full of sweetness and love...just gotta squeeze her and appreciate her soft ways.
Oh, boy. Sawyer! This month, he started playing soccer on a team at the YMCA! We hold off on signing our kids up for activities until they're a little older - and it really gives them something to look forward to! Sawyer has been thrilled to be a part of the "Red Dragons" team, and he has picked it right up (even though some of the kids have been playing for a couple of years already!) It is such a thrill for me, too. I have dreamed for years of having a little boy, and being a youth soccer coach! Because I've got two girls with me, one of whom is a super busy toddler, I couldn't commit to being the coach - but I am the assistant coach for the team, and it's so fun to jump in and help out!
The games are so much fun to watch...5 year olds are at such a darling age, and are such a fun group!
We also used some of our time this month getting ready to start school! We are doing homeschool preschool and pre-k, and one of our "work together" projects is to turn half of our garage into an open-air art studio! Definitely a benefit to the climate we live in - we can just open the garage and use the space most of the year, minus the couple of scorching months during summer. The kids and I started the project by painting one whole wall with black chalkboard paint! It will take some more time to put it together, but we're having fun with this project and the fun will just keep coming!

Today was actually the very first day of our homeschool. The kids have been excited and looking forward to it for weeks. I have to admit, I've also been really excited! I am so happy we have one more year of Sawyer - and then I can hardly believe that next year he will be off to Kindergarten! And Aspen, the next year! Our homeschooling is inspired by Charlotte Mason and Waldorf ideas, with some Montessori thrown in :) Mostly, we are going to have lots of wonderful adventures and memory making this year. I snapped a few pics of the kids this morning before we went on our nature walk. These two...they are such goof balls sometimes! But soooo loving towards one another. I think you can see, quite plainly, that they love each other and are the very best of friends. Sometimes I wonder if I should do more play dates (we very rarely do playdates) but I just don't see that much of a need since they are the best little buddies. I really hope they stay close like this forever.
I guess that kinda sums up our September. Busy (as usual) and fun. Starting to slow the pace down a little bit, and just living each day the best we can, and enjoying it together. Enjoying the journey, and each other. I sure love my little family to pieces!
Happy fall, everyone!