Our oldest daughter turned FOUR a couple of weeks ago! We loved her at first sight, but isn't it crazy how simple, pure love can grow more every single day!?! This girl is a sweetheart. She really is. She has a tender heart and is quick to jump in to help and serve when she sees a need. She is easy going, and loves her brother and sister. She loves princesses and pedicures and pink. She also loves rocks and doesn't mind getting dirty in the least - so she's a great mix of a girl :) She loves to sing and twirl around the room. She is a pure delight.
We had a small party, with just our family and then Aunt Tia and soon-to-be-Uncle Adam, too. She was excited the entire day, as she should be. She wanted a "pony" cake, so I made a simple cake and put a little pony on top - easy enough.
Part of me can't believe another year has flown by, but part of me can. It seems like not long ago she was a super chunky adorable little bebe, yet sometimes it feels ages ago. I love looking at old pictures of my babes -- and they LOVE watching home videos of when they were babies. It is a birthday tradition to watch some old footage - especially when Sawyer (19 months at the time) came to meet Aspen at the birth center. He and Daddy almost knocked down the door, he stormed in with so much excitement to finally meet his baby sister (and he seemed like such a baby himself!) "A-pie, A-pie" he looked high and low, until he found what he was looking for - his sister. She brought him a red race car on her birth day, and he had a gift for her, too. We had cupcakes and a celebration dinner, and sang to our newest addition. They love watching it so much, it's just so sweet. Our video recorder wasn't the best (my iPhone takes better video now!) but I'm so so grateful we have some of those little memories preserved on video. It's really crazy how time flies, isn't it? Before I know it, my kids will be all grown up and I'll be...old...or something like that! But for now, I'm just enjoying each moment with them. Loving life with my Aspen Jane, and couldn't imagine life without her!
Happy Birthday, Aspen!