October was a little bit crazy. We generally don't do a lot of "extra" stuff - like lessons or anything that takes much commitment. I like to keep things open so we can go exploring, or cozy up and make cookies, or just spend all afternoon outside playing in the yard. This month was pretty full of all of those things, plus some "extra", which honestly kinda threw me off my groove a little bit. I am most definitely not super mom - to keep my sanity I try to keep our schedule very simple - lesson learned by over doing it a bit this month! Sawyer and Aspen finished up their swimming lessons (remind me next time not to sign up for the class that's right at dinner time ;), we did some grand adventuring and exploring as they also earned their Wolf and are now working on their Bobcat Badges through a wonderful program we've been doing called the Wild Explorers Club. We also prepared to celebrate Hudson's first birthday, as well as do all things Halloween. Due to tropical storms that came our way after the Hurricane in Puerto Vallarta, we were rained out of our traditional pumpkin patch fun at Sweet Berry Farm, so we opted instead for a new-to-us cute, local nursery instead. It was a fun, loaded month - started hot and ended, finally, cooling off enough to open the windows in the evening and spend long hours playing outside until dark. Autumn certainly looks different in the South than what we grew up with in the North - we're still crossing our fingers for a little showing of colored leaves next month - but in the meantime, enjoying the perfect hiking and camping weather!

1. best find ever - little wooden boat on a string
2. boating at bull creek
3. hiking and trail making
4. the boy always has his nose in something
5. these kids love nature journaling their finds
6. this poor frog was just chased out of the bushes by a snake and then I made him stop to take his picture
7. the elementary school fundraising wet and wacky run-a-thon!
8. she ran a mile and a half in the 20 minutes and earned a medal
9. popsicles for all of the sweaty runners
10. my little housekeeper
11. on location for family photos
12. the group of preschoolers I teach in Nature School
13. my little hippie baby
14. found him waiting for a rainstorm to roll in, wolf suit ready
15. the boy who loves to research, identifying some of his finds
16. little helpers getting the porch ready for trick or treaters
17. first he crawled, then he walked, and now he runs
18. drove through the valet pick up line at school wearing only my swimming suit and wellies - ready for some puddle jumping after record breaking rainfall and flash flooding
19. warming up in the neighborhood storm drains
20. mud and puddles in the balmy warm, gray afternoon
21. taking our time, enjoying an afternoon at the Red Barn Nursery
22. october is for mums
23. pumpkin picking
24. my four little pumpkins...maybe we need a number five!?!
25. wearing my old sweater my grandmother made for me
26. jack-o-lanterns ready...and...happy halloween!