Monday, January 12, 2009

Us // Second Anniversary

Today, we have been married for 2 years! It seems like we've been married much longer than 2 a good way :) How the time does fly when you are having fun, and are busy working, playing, and creating and managing a family together. We got married exactly 1 year and 1 week after our first date, so every year we celebrate by having our first date over again. It was the first weekend of January, so it's a great way to start off the year. I remember always wanting to get married in the Summer - my favorite time of the year. I never dreamt I'd get married in the dead middle of Winter - but, surely, I would not have changed it! We still had our reception on the beach - we just never thought we'd be on the beach, with both sunshine and snow in the middle of January. It was truly a unique and special day, one we treasure. It's wonderful to reminisce about that day.

On Saturday, we went and celebrated a combination of our first date and our anniversary. Our first date was at a little Italian restaurant in Columbia City, called Tutta Bellas. We enjoyed great food and conversation - and a Brazilian guitarist. Afterward, we went to a Contemporary Art Exhibit at a gallery on the street we now live on. Since that first date, Tutta Bellas has opened 2 new locations. Last year, we went to the one in Wallingford, and this year, they opened one in our Westlake neighborhood! As we were sitting there, juggling babyfood, napkins, toys being dropped and re-dropped on the floor, etc. I wondered if Jacob wished we could just be alone for our date and celebration of our anniversary, afterall, it was my idea to bring Sawyer along, even though it was past his bedtime. At one point, he just looked at me and said, "would you have imagined 3 years ago on our first date that you'd be sitting here, married, and with a son right now?" He said it with so much fondness and love, such blessed amazement. Yes, children do change marriage. But love is something that just seems to grow and deepen with time and the right circumstances. We are certainly blessed from heaven. The two things I wanted most in life are mine: to be a wife and a mother. There is nothing else I need.

We concluded our celebration by stopping by Whole Foods on our way home to pick out some dessert. We put Sawyer to bed, and then enjoyed some incredible cupcakes, herbal tea, and couple time. This past year seems to have flown by. The first half was spent enjoying the wonders of expecting our baby boy, and the ills that came with my pregnancy. Then, we welcomed Sawyer to our family. We have spent the second part of the year in somewhat of a sleep-deprived daze, yet enjoying each moment of life with each other and wondering what we did to deserve to be the parents of such an amazing little son. It is a little more tricky to get "alone" time but we sure try to find a few moments and make a few moments for each other when we can. Life is good. No, life is great! Happy Anniversary, Jacob! Here is to many many more wonderful and exciting years together!

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