Today, I pay tribute to my Grandma Iris. Today, she turns 90! You can see what a fun gal she is - in the picture above, the snow was shoulder high in Utah in February 1955. She (on the left) and her girl friend (also sister-in-law), Irene, decided to get silly and put on their swimsuits and take some pictures with the snow all around them!
Ninety!!! Grandma Iris is who I get my "young looking" genes from. Seriously! At 90, she still hops on her treadmill for a few short "walks" throughout the day in the winter time...and is out working in her yard every day the weather permits. Planting flowers, pulling weeds, she does it all! She even feeds the birds and quail who come to her back porch to visit with her. She does all of this in between making delicious homemade pies (the BEST!), reading novels, crocheting and knitting projects for all of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and of course taking the time to talk to friends and family near and far.

My Grandmother is a beauty. That's a fact. She is beautiful inside
and outside - the best kind of beautiful to be! And I think it's true, that women get more beautiful with age. She just has the most sparkling eyes and genuinely happy smile. I guess you can't help but be very pretty when you are named after a flower!
This picture is last July, when we went to visit our family in Oregon. Sawyer was about 3 1/2 weeks old, and here he is meeting his Great Grandma. We are so excited to be able to see Grandma Iris this weekend, and do a little celebrating with her! My Grandmother is very special to me. When my mother was single (until I was 10), my Grandparents were a very big part of my life - always taking us for the weekend so Mom could study, and taking us camping and fishing. Grandma read countless stories to us and sewed many Barbie clothes for us. She let us be children and encouraged our imaginative play. She let us turn her dining room table into a fort and lap up water from her bowls when we pretended to be puppies. Her "busy bee" always came to kiss us on the nose. She showed us how to curl our eye lashes. And she even showed us how to tap to the beat of Bob Marley! Oh, how many wonderful memories I have of my Grandma Iris - and I am looking forward to creating more! Watch out, Grandma, because I'm bringing our camera and going to take some special birthday pictures of you! We love you!
Happy Birthday, Grandma! We love you many Bushels and many Pecks and a great big hug around your neck!