East Coast Trip Part 2: Vermont
After our time in New York, we spent a wonderful week in Vermont. We met up with my parents, my 90-year-old-very-amazing grandmother, and my sister, Rachel and her family. We stayed near the village of Stowe, tucked right up into the mountains. It was gorgeous!
One of the first things we did was head to Waterbury and the Ben & Jerry's Factory for a little tour and some fresh and delicious ice-cream. See their funky and colorful travel van above, and the "flavor graveyard" below. (As you'll see later, I seemed to have a thing for graveyards and headstones during this trip!)
We had great weather and spent a lot of time playing in the pool. Sawyer is a total water baby, he just loves the water (good thing I signed us up for some mom-tot lessons this summer!). He doesn't even mind it when we dunk him!
Cousin Jackson is also a water baby. It was hilarious to see him count off on his fingers to his mom, "1, 2, 3!" and run and jump into the water (he is 20 months old). It was quite funny (only because he didn't get hurt) to see him jump twice and miss the water, landing right on his little rear end. Luckily, he didn't seem to mind. He just got up and gave it another go until he finally got the splash he was after :)
There was also an indoor "Splash" pool. There were water slides and all these fountains and water-squirters, yet the pool itself was only knee high. Perfect for our little guys! They were pretty much in heaven (as were we!)
Aunt Rachel & Uncle Jared brought some bubbles for us to blow, and one evening we had great time blowing bubbles and popping them. Jackson actually got the blowing part down, Sawyer, on the other hand, always ended up with the wand in his mouth. One day...
On the only rainy day we had in Vermont, we headed to the Cold Hollow Cider Mill. There, we got to see the process of cider making. We also got to taste test a lot of their yummy goods. AND Grandma treated us all to Cider Donuts - which are SOooooo good! We also stopped by a glass blowing studio (those of us with little ones ended up spending most of the time outside. Note to self: toddlers and glass, especially expensive artsy glass, aren't a good combo!)
Another day, we headed out for a nice scenic drive. There were a lot more pictures I would've liked to take, of the green, green, countryside and old red barns, but we could only stop so many times! We did, however, run across this beautiful old, historic, covered bridge. There are many in Vermont. I found it slightly ironic that most of Vermont is so rustic and rural, yet so politically and environmentally "forward". My end conclusion was that Vermont is a most amazing, relaxing, and beautiful place - but I couldn't live there. It's just too rural for this city girl :) This is good to know, as at one time Jacob was considering a job in Burlington. No longer!
We also went to the Sugarbush Farm. It is a farm that makes 4 grades of pure maple syrup and also something like 14 varieties of cheeses. (Have you ever tried rosemary cheese? it's pretty tasty!) They also had some animals for the kiddies to enjoy. Sawyer is pretty much in love with dogs these days. Whenever he sees one, he starts panting :)
Jackson and Grammie watching the farm horse run in the arena.
The wax process that keeps the cheese fresh for shipping.
Taste testing all the cheese and syrups.
You better bet Jackson and Sawyer got to try the syrups and cheeses. I think they were the only ones who didn't hesitate to ask for a refill in their little spoons.
Our last day, it was rainy. We went to Burlington and to the Church Street Market. We went to the ECHO Aquarium and Science Center. Sadly, we also said good-bye to Jacob as he had to head back to Seattle for work. We missed him the rest of the trip!
Oh, Vermont. A great place to get away and relax. It was a great week. Can you believe there is going to be a part 3 to this trip? Stay tuned!
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