Thursday, April 22, 2010

ode to Earth Day

I am not much a fan of hunting (for animals, that is)...but come Spring I LOVE hunting (for flowers, that is). On Sunday, on our family walk, I found there is a lilac bush around the corner from our home. Oh how I love the sweet smell of lilacs!

Today, for our walk, we hunted for flowers of every color from the Rainbow...Sawyer had a wonderful time on the hunt, and, as you can see below, our neighborhood is just brim full of blossoms of all colors...

Of course, being a little boy, he also had fun finding rocks wherever we went.

I have a confession to make. I stole a lilac. I was looking for one that had fallen to the ground, but there weren't any. I hope no one minds...I just love the smell of the little lilac I stole, and I also wanted to...

put a flower in my girl's hair. She is even more sweet than all those flowers we hunted down today!

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