Our baby girl is 6 months old. I can seriously not believe it. Where has the time gone? It goes so much faster with the second child, it seems. It seems like yesterday, she was this little sweet pea:

It was a week ago that she passed her 1/2 year mark. I have been so busy I haven't had a chance to get some photos to truly document and mark the moment. But I did get a few. I will try for more this week. (wish me luck, please!)
A couple of things to note about Miss Aspen at 6 months:
-she is truly the sweetest and happiest baby I've ever met. I'm not just sayin' that either. She doesn't fuss. She only cries if she's starving beyond measure. All of this has been such blessing. I just love how she loves to cuddle up with me, and how she loves to watch her brother.
-she laughs in the face of "danger" aka her big bro who is always running and jumping around her (he likes that he can make her laugh - but we always hold our breath to make sure she's safe when he's trying to get her to laugh at his twirls and jumps).
-she has just started to crawl. (Too early, if you ask me, but it seems like our kids are just "early" crawlers...Sawyer crawled at the same age). Now that she is mobile, she makes her way around the room grabbing Sawyer's race cars. He's not so sure he likes that.
-she is still a night owl. Totally takes after her Mama. She still occasionally stays up well past midnight with me working on projects, and we both enjoy it. She's great company. She's also a Mama's girl. I am loving it. I never thought I'd be able to say that I enjoy shopping with my daughter (I'm not much of a shopper myself) but even at this young age, she is much more pleasant company at the Fabric store than her brother. He gets bored shopping (unless it's Target and he begs to pick out a new Race Car) while she just loves looking at things with me. We browse the designer fabrics and she wins the hearts of all the old ladies, and the young ladies. I think Sawyer's friends are already intrigued. I hope she doesn't break too many of their hearts, because we don't plan on letting her date until she's at least 25. :)
-she has a very cute giggle. And she has this cute little flirty smile where she scrunches up her nose. A-dorable!
random fact from her 6 months check up and Sawyer's 2 year check up (they had their appt together): even though she is super chunk-a-licious, Sawyer was actually almost a pound heavier and .5 inches longer at this age. They now wear the same size diaper: size 3.
She is our lovely little lady. We love her dearly, and can never get enough of her. I will attempt some pics when I ever get a chance, but in the meantime, I did snap a few the other day of her wearing the same headband from her newborn photos, with the same prop (my skirt) under her. Enjoy.

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