Sunday, November 27, 2011

thanksgiving 2011

This is the only picture I have to document Thanksgiving this year. I had just grabbed the camera and thought I'd maybe take some photos of the table once we decked it with China and all good things to eat - or maybe a few of our wonderful company - or the beautiful turkey my husband did - or the pies my sister made - or at least the proof of empty plates when we were finished. But then the doorbell rang, the whirlwind continued, and the fun began. And then we sat. And we ate. And ate. And talked. And played. And ate. And played Skip-Bo. And tried to tame wild children down to put their pjs on. And said good-bye. (and then we did dishes for a long long time ;).

So, this one photo is just a small token to help trigger those memories: Sawyer so eager to find his name on his place card (and every else's name, too!) - our first time hosting the Thanksgiving feast - the good company of my sister, Kaitlin, and her cute little family - of the kids wild and excited - of a very wonderful time together, just the way it should be.

PS - I do have to add that as I was cleaning during the day, preparing for guests, I all of a sudden got a little teary eyed. Why? Because I wish I could have been in NYC at the sidelines of the famous Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade to take a picture of the look on my mother's face as she watched the parade and had her first New York experience. My dad granted her small wish -  one of her lifelong dreams - this Thanksgiving. Mom - your rolls always turn out better than mine - but I hope you had the time of your life in NYC! Broadway musicals! Ice-skating at Rockefeller Center! Shopping and Food! NYC Ballet Nutcracker! Love you!!!

*update* thanks to my twin sister, Tia, who was with my parents, here's the very picture I imagined (thanks, sis!):

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