Baby Girl!
Baby Girl!
Okay, Okay. I've got to share this story. First of all, we have had a snowstorm going on in this city for the past two days (and while the rest of the country may laugh at us - really, to us, it is a bucket load of snow - all two inches we have!) Anyway, at the sight of a snowflake pretty much the whole city shuts down. You think I'm joking? Really! School is canceled the night before just if there is snow in the forecast, that's how it goes. Mostly because we are a city with a ton of hills and no equipment to deal with snow. We generally get about 2 snow days a year, so you think by now we would've learned (but I secretly think people like snow days, so why bother?) Anyway, I wasn't sure they'd go ahead with our ultrasound today. I called yesterday and the Doc's office was closed. I couldn't even leave a message. So I called the number that says "if this is an emergency or you think you're in labor..." just to talk to someone. (I told them first off it wasn't an emergency and I'm no where near being in labor). Anyway, I just wanted to know what to plan for. Later, someone called back and told me I could still do the ultrasound, just in a different location because the tech couldn't make it in and the Doc's office was closed. So, this morning we all got up early and put on our snow gear and prayed we could get out of our driveway and down the road about 2 miles to the clinic where they'd do the ultrasound. I half-way wished they canceled because I was worried the tech might not be a good mood having to come to work that early when everyone else most people are sledding down city streets enjoying the snow days. To my surprise, the clinic was staffed and we were the only ones who had showed up to an appointment so far. AND our tech was super cheerful and happy! Hooray!
I had come prepared. You see...Sawyer has been DEAD set that we are having a girl. He always says "It's a GIRL! Wonder Woman!" Now, I'm not even sure where he got the wonder woman part, as he's never really seen or heard of her (maybe at preschool?) but I thought it was pretty cute. However, as it got closer I started to get worried, since he was SO determined - so I started saying "Maybe it's a boy! Spiderman!" And he was always really upset when I did that, replying "NO! GIRL! WONDER WOMAN!" So, I ordered these little plush dolls - a Spider Man and a Wonder Woman. That way, I thought, if he was wrong, if a cute little Spider Man doll came flying at his face and told him he would have a brother, he might not be as upset. Or, if Wonder Woman came flying at him, he'd know right away he was right and be super excited about it. Aspen, on the other hand, has been pretty indifferent about whether we'd have a boy or a girl - I think she's just excited we'll have a baby. She gets giddy wherever we go and points at all the babies - "look! A Baby!" It's very sweet.
Backtracking...when I very first found out I was pregnant, I kept dreaming of a little girl named Hazel. I just could NOT get her out of my mind. Now, Hazel wasn't even on our list of names (even though I had heard it once and thought it was sweet). I thought maybe I was crazy but I told Jacob maybe we should add it to our list (of one other name). We only had one boy name, so that would be easy (oh, and if you didn't already know, I like to have a boy and a girl name picked out before we go to the ultrasound). Anyway...we finally did narrow it down to Hazel for a girl or Hudson for a boy - mostly because I felt like if it was a girl, for some reason that should be her name to be true to my little dream. That, or else I was crazy! I kept being drawn to girl things and thinking the baby was a girl. And one of my best friends always kind of just slipped and referred to the baby as "her". And then I got sick - and one night I was throwing up and sooo sick and I remember very vividly thinking "this has GOT to be another girl!" it was the same way I felt while pregnant with Aspen (and the pregnancy has been very much the same - with Sawyer I was tired but never sick). Anyway, then I started second guessing myself. It's got to a boy! And then I got out all the baby clothes and I got excited about either! Jacob thought it was a girl, Sawyer was SET on a girl, Aspen was on the fence and half the time would say boy but call it Hazel. Confusing! Anyway, to be contrary and to get myself excited if it was a boy - I started thinking it must be. But then, I was at the fabric store and I bought some yarn and started making....a headband! For a girl! I stopped myself. What? It could be a boy! Anyway, I think my instinct all along said girl but I was trying to be open to either! (And don't get me wrong, we would've been thrilled for a boy! And Sawyer would too given a little time!)
Okay, so that's that. The majority of people who guessed on our poll here and on Facebook said girl. All the little on-line quizzes I'd done for fun said girl. So, when the ultrasound tech (I told her about my plan with the dolls) kept saying "her heart" or "her little toes!" I kept thinking "please don't do this to my Sawyer and then say it's a boy!" The kids were able to come in with me and Jacob for the entire ultrasound. They lost interest half-way through and got out some stickers and coloring books to keep busy while she finished. She told me "I really think it's a girl but I am going to take a very close look" which she did several times and she said "yes, it's a sweet little girl - bring out wonder woman!" So, I got down and asked Sawyer what he thought. Wonder Woman came flying out from behind my back and told him and his sister that they would have a baby sister! Wonder Woman! Only most of us will call her:
Yep, Hazel. We are still working on a middle name, but it is so fun to know we have a sweet little Hazel coming our way! And it was so fun to see the joy on Sawyer's face! Wonder Woman! Hooray! We are all just tickled pink, and thrilled! I am happy Aspen will have a sister. Sawyer will be such a good big brother to his little sissies! I also have hope that maybe just maybe our caboose will be a boy and I won't get quite so sick while pregnant next time! Okay, I won't get ahead of myself there just yet :) We are just so excited about our new baby and it's so fun we can now call her Hazel! Time to make a few headbands :)
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