Sunday, September 16, 2012

even the rain is bigger

I know, I would probably think that my first post about our life in Texas would be of us hanging out at the pool or something, right?

Wrong! I want to post about the RAIN, first! 

We have had a couple of days of rain and all of Austin is excited about it! The kids and I were at Target picking up a few things the other day (it was a 3 hour adventure since I got lost on the way there!) and it was raining...a little. But EVERYONE was buying rainboots and giddy about the weather! I couldn't help but laugh to myself. Apparently, it's unusual to have weather like this in September - Jacob's co-worker happily reported that it felt kinda like Christmas time. Really? At above 70 degrees? I decided I'm going to love winter here! Anyway, today it was really raining when we went to church at 2pm. When we got home, at 5pm, there were lots of fun puddles. BUT it was warm. Perfect conditions for some puddle jumping! I told the kids to just grab their rainboots and we headed out to enjoy the weather!

Apparently the ground and soil here isn't used to soaking up rain like in Seattle, so they have all these drains and storm field things. We could've gone swimming in it, it was like a little lake had magically formed in a couple of hours! 

I figured we would be changing our clothes soon anyway, and we'd get wet no matter what, so the kids were splashing all around in their church garb. You can't see me in any pics, but I threw my Hunter's on and was running and splashing with them. A few people drove by and waved and smiled...a few looked at us like we were CRAZY. I guess if you're acclimated to this as winter weather it would seem kinda funny. But we had a BLAST! 

And Jacob said he didn't think we'd need our rainboots here in Texas! Maybe we'll just call them winter boots instead :)

It's nice to feel like celebrating the rain. I love the tropical feel of it here. We are slowly getting settled into our new life and, honestly, we are loving it!

PS-our car is easy to find in any parking lot these days - I think it's the only car in this city that has ski racks on top! (lol)

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