Since it's October, we had to make our annual pilgrimage to the Pumpkin Patch. I just asked around about which one to go to and we decided to take a little drive out to Marble Falls (about an hour from Austin) to Sweetberry Farm. I learned that they have fun things going on the farm pretty much all year round. We're really excited to go back in the Spring to pick some berries, too.
I have to be honest and say that adjusting to summer weather for the majority of the year has been a little harder than I thought it would. When we woke up, it was a little cloudy - so from our air conditioned apartment, the clouds made it seem, well, kind of like fall should be. So I wore jeans and a sweater and threw the kids jackets in, etc. BUT the minute I stepped outside, I remember - we're in Texas now. It's not just warm - it's still pretty hot! While we have yet to experience true summer heat here, the weather is still warmer than Seattle summers are. So, we wore sweaters and we sweat :) But we had fun while we were sweating :)
I'm not gonna lie - I love having girls! Of course I love my little boy, too - but now that I have a couple of girls, I think my earlier aspiration to have SIX BOYS AND NO GIRLS was completely CRAZY!
Aspen and her "princess" pumpkin. She was really set on getting a white pumpkin, and for some reason, was determined it was a "princess" pumpkin (maybe I called it that? It was right next to the "fairytale" pumpkins after all) She was so cute about it.
She was also really cute when we were getting ready that morning. Jacob had run to the ER to get his stitches removed, so we were killing time waiting for him. I decided, for the first time ever, to blow dry her hair and try to make it straight, to see how long it was etc. Just for fun. Since I was blow drying mine for the first time in months, I might as well do hers, too :) Anyway, it was long and pretty and we decided she looked like Rapunzel. And as she was on the bathroom counter for her hair-do, she noticed my jewelry box and begged to wear one of my necklaces - the one with the little star (a gift from my twin sister years ago, my favorite necklace). I let her. She was in HEAVEN.

They had a ton of fun little games and carnival type things to do at the farm. We went all out and got a bunch of tickets and had a blast. The kids did this big bouncy bubble thing that was fun - Sawyer particularly enjoyed it! We've GOT to sign the boy up for a tumbling class - he's scarily good at gymnastics.
There was also a little barrel train ride that the kids enjoyed. It actually started raining, which was kinda fun (cooled us off a little!) It was warm rain. So it made it even more humid. Warm/hot, humid and then the sun came out. We seriously should have worn out swimsuits instead of sweaters. (Oh the lessons we learn :)
We met up with some friends, too - though I have barely any photos of them. My photos were sporadic because I was wearing Hazel in the Ergo and trying to juggle her and also keep my camera safe out of the rain. As you can see, Aspen was thrilled to sit by her little friend, Teresa. And Teresa was so sweet to share a flower. Oh yeah - no fall leaves here. Just pretty blooming flowers.
Can you tell the Hay Ride was Sawyer's favorite part? He looked forward to it all day and we saved it as our last "ride". He was giddy and had a blast! And so much for Aspen's hair - the curls came back with the rain and humidity. Good thing she's cute no matter what :)
My ticket choice was $3 for a cup - and then you got to go out into the field filled with flowers and cut as many as you could get into your cup. So for $3 I go this rather pretty boquet of fresh flowers. It was a little weird, honestly, cutting pretty flowers in the fall - but it was beautiful and fun and there ya go: fall color. Sawyer was thrilled to have a pair of scissors to help me cut the flowers out in the field. Great little helper!
I'm trying not to compare too much between where we came from and where we are, because we are where we are, right? But in Seattle, we would bundle up and go to a farm, ride out to the field and pick our pumpkin from the vine. We'd come back to the farm, look at some animals, have maybe some hot cider, warm kettle corn - something cozy.
In Texas, we shed our clothes, if possible, because we overdressed and it was too warm. And our treat was FRESH homemade strawberry POPSICLES! AND homemade, yummy PUMPKIN ICE-CREAM! The temperature was about 30 degrees warmer than in Seattle. Quite the difference. But SO YUMMY. No complaints!
We spent the entire day at the farm and we were one of the last cars to pull out of the parking lot. We had a blast. It's always fun just being together as a family. And you can't go wrong with homemade ice-cream!