yep. I kind of copied something I did with Aspen close to this age...I thought it would be fun to see their similarities and differences. Some people swear they look SO much alike...others say they look SO different. I think they look similar AND different. They look like sisters :)
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Look at that smiley girly! |
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Totally lucked out with her long, beautiful eyelashes |
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Yeah, she lucked out with her big, beautiful eyes as well. Love her! |
Hazel, at four months...
-Stats: 12lbs8oz (10-25%%), 22.5 inches long (2-5%) You are proportionally petite. A tiny girl that gets lots of compliments on how petite you are, how beautiful you are, and your pretty, striking eyes. Aunt Rachel is going to laugh at these stats- your cousin Emerson was born exactly a week before you but was about twice your size...she's wearing 9 months clothes now while you still fit some of your 0-3 month sizes). You two are extremes for small and large on the growth charts, it seems :) I wish so much we could put you side by side!
-Yes, you still fit in some of your 0-3 months clothes, but this week I am starting to box them up and add more 3-6 months clothes to your fall wardrobe. I also started using the cloth diapers now that you're getting bigger - and they make you HUGE. Oh my. But they're fine for home, I feel good about making a lighter footprint on the planet by having you in soft cloth diapers. The FLIP diapers are awesome!
-You love to lay on our bed and look up at the ceiling fan as it spins around and around - you get all excited and kick your legs and smile :)
-You are super into your HAND and FISTS. You know, sucking on them and stuffing them into your mouth any chance you get.
-You decided the Binky is okay after all. You're not the biggest fan, but you do take it now and then, which is kind of nice in certain situations.
-You now roll over from back to tummy and tummy to back (both ways). And you do it quite well! You roll all over the places grabbing for toys these days. In fact, you even scoot yourself forward and backward and I'm thinking you'll be crawling around Christmas if you keep this up. All our babies have been "early" crawlers, full speed ahead by 6 months, and it looks like you won't disappoint the tradition. Personally, though, I would be fine if you waited just a little longer. I know you're so anxious to keep up with your big bro and big sis, but it would be awesome if you'd just sit there looking cute a little bit longer...just sayin'.
-You're getting really interested in a variety of toys. Your favorites are the winkle toy (Manhattan Toys), the wooden rattle thing (Natural Squish), and the soft Dwell Studio blocks that our good friend, Cassandra, handed down to you. Don't tell anyone - but I already started Christmas shopping and I got a gift for you that I think you're going to ADORE!
-You love to "talk" to us and have the cutest voice. You can coo and you can also make some pretty loud noises, too!
-Your Laugh is adorable. Everytime I walk up to our mirror in the bathroom, I hold you up and swing you back and forth and start singing the chorus to an old Madonna song ("Who's that Girl?" and you think it is the FUNNIEST thing EVER! I'm not sure if you're laughing because you are noticing yourself, how silly I look, my singing voice, or that I had a thing for Madonna back in the day and it haunts me now and then and forces me to spend an hour reminscing and watching old videos on YouTube (and having my family watch with me and dance around the living room... :) Whatever it is you think is so funny, is SO cute! I love to see you smile and laugh so much you can barely contain yourself!
-We set up your new standard sized crib in our room, and I've been putting you there for your naps instead of our bed since you like to roll around so much now. Your favorite place to sleep at night is still cuddle between me and Daddy.
-Your brother and sister LOVE to share toys with you, be big helpers, sing to you, and otherwise smother you with love. They also enjoy telling us things like "LOOK! She's trying to crawl! Good Job, Hazel! Hooray!" It's rather adorable, too, - how much they love you. The hardest part for me is when they get all worked up and excited and start running circles around you and I want them to have fun, but I also want to keep you safe.
-So much more I could say, little one, but the most important is that I love you to pieces. WE love you to pieces. You are such a happy blessing to our family, and such a sweet girl. I always thought I'd have 6 boys, but I will be totally honest and say I'm ecstatic I was blessed with one boy so far, and two girls. I'm sure each of you will give me a run for my money in your own way, but right now I'm enjoying that you're in the stage/at the age that all you do is cuddle and snuggle and look at me and smile with those big beautiful eyes you have. Sometimes I wish you could stay this little forever. I'll just enjoy soaking it up at much as I can...and watching you grow. You'll be beautiful to me in every stage and at every age, I know it ;) It's so fun watching you grow!
-Yes, you still fit in some of your 0-3 months clothes, but this week I am starting to box them up and add more 3-6 months clothes to your fall wardrobe. I also started using the cloth diapers now that you're getting bigger - and they make you HUGE. Oh my. But they're fine for home, I feel good about making a lighter footprint on the planet by having you in soft cloth diapers. The FLIP diapers are awesome!
-You love to lay on our bed and look up at the ceiling fan as it spins around and around - you get all excited and kick your legs and smile :)
-You are super into your HAND and FISTS. You know, sucking on them and stuffing them into your mouth any chance you get.
-You decided the Binky is okay after all. You're not the biggest fan, but you do take it now and then, which is kind of nice in certain situations.
-You now roll over from back to tummy and tummy to back (both ways). And you do it quite well! You roll all over the places grabbing for toys these days. In fact, you even scoot yourself forward and backward and I'm thinking you'll be crawling around Christmas if you keep this up. All our babies have been "early" crawlers, full speed ahead by 6 months, and it looks like you won't disappoint the tradition. Personally, though, I would be fine if you waited just a little longer. I know you're so anxious to keep up with your big bro and big sis, but it would be awesome if you'd just sit there looking cute a little bit longer...just sayin'.
-You're getting really interested in a variety of toys. Your favorites are the winkle toy (Manhattan Toys), the wooden rattle thing (Natural Squish), and the soft Dwell Studio blocks that our good friend, Cassandra, handed down to you. Don't tell anyone - but I already started Christmas shopping and I got a gift for you that I think you're going to ADORE!
-You love to "talk" to us and have the cutest voice. You can coo and you can also make some pretty loud noises, too!
-Your Laugh is adorable. Everytime I walk up to our mirror in the bathroom, I hold you up and swing you back and forth and start singing the chorus to an old Madonna song ("Who's that Girl?" and you think it is the FUNNIEST thing EVER! I'm not sure if you're laughing because you are noticing yourself, how silly I look, my singing voice, or that I had a thing for Madonna back in the day and it haunts me now and then and forces me to spend an hour reminscing and watching old videos on YouTube (and having my family watch with me and dance around the living room... :) Whatever it is you think is so funny, is SO cute! I love to see you smile and laugh so much you can barely contain yourself!
-We set up your new standard sized crib in our room, and I've been putting you there for your naps instead of our bed since you like to roll around so much now. Your favorite place to sleep at night is still cuddle between me and Daddy.
-Your brother and sister LOVE to share toys with you, be big helpers, sing to you, and otherwise smother you with love. They also enjoy telling us things like "LOOK! She's trying to crawl! Good Job, Hazel! Hooray!" It's rather adorable, too, - how much they love you. The hardest part for me is when they get all worked up and excited and start running circles around you and I want them to have fun, but I also want to keep you safe.
-So much more I could say, little one, but the most important is that I love you to pieces. WE love you to pieces. You are such a happy blessing to our family, and such a sweet girl. I always thought I'd have 6 boys, but I will be totally honest and say I'm ecstatic I was blessed with one boy so far, and two girls. I'm sure each of you will give me a run for my money in your own way, but right now I'm enjoying that you're in the stage/at the age that all you do is cuddle and snuggle and look at me and smile with those big beautiful eyes you have. Sometimes I wish you could stay this little forever. I'll just enjoy soaking it up at much as I can...and watching you grow. You'll be beautiful to me in every stage and at every age, I know it ;) It's so fun watching you grow!
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