Monday, December 10, 2012

Hazel's first solids

Hazel has been showing signs of readiness for her first food for several weeks longer than I'd like to admit. I was the one who wasn't feeling quite ready. Over the weekend, she hit SIX months(!!!) so I figured it was time! So, yesterday before rushing out the door and off to church, we sat her in the little bouncy seat, snapped on a bib, and had at it. She was more than ready - no hesitating, she took to the spoon like a natural and ate like a champ!

Something I didn't think to consider as our family grew, was how much fun it is to have the older siblings be so excited about all the milestones of the littlest family member. Sawyer and Aspen are a year and a half apart, so kind of too close to appreciate those types of things (or more like Sawyer was still little enough that he would've shoved the spoon down Aspens throat or in in her eye if we weren't careful!) - but having the older two a little, ahem, older, this time around, is soooo much fun! It makes every milestone that much more of a celebration! They each had a turn giving her a few spoonfuls, and now I have plenty of volunteers for helpers at mealtime :)

Yes, it's safe to say the food was a big hit. She was super excited about it this morning. We did take some video as well but of course I'm too lazy to post it, for now. I need to do a six month post eventually, so maybe I'll post some video then...but for now, DIG IN, Hazel Gracie! Enjoy the goodness that is FOOD!

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