Friday, May 31, 2013

11 months old

Ohhhhh, Hazel.

I owe you an apology. I vowed that three kids would not make me a least when it came to documenting the first year. I'm not so sure it's the number of kids, but the craziness of our lives the past year few months that, indeed, have me slacking in documenting much of anything of our lives these days (with the exception of snapshots on my iPhone - my Instagram feed is quite active!)

First thing - you are growing up way way way way way too fast! You went from baby to toddler, it seems, overnight!

-you don't eat baby food, and haven't for quite some time. you like big people food. some of your favorite foods these days are: banana, mango, watermelon, avocado, peas, carrots, cheese, salmon, mama's homemade whole yogurt, mac n cheese - and pretty much anything else the family is eating for dinner.

-you may not eat baby food, but you still LOVE to nurse! I know I've said it before, but I love the special bond nursing brings, because Mama's milk is so much more than nutrients. There is a comfort in nursing that no one can replicate with a bottle. A few weeks ago you fell and got hurt, and the only thing that would comfort and calm you was to nurse you for a few minutes. At that moment I was so happy I could offer that kind of comfort to you. I think sometimes I forget how lucky I am that nursing has been so easy and natural for me and all my babies. It is a time I truly treasure. I don't see you stopping nursing anytime in the very near future, and I'm totally okay with that :)

-oh, and TEETH! Those top four took forever, but finally all broke through. good-bye (tear) gummy grin. Hello toothy grin! And while we're at it, hello toddler mullet! It's getting longer in the back...longer than in front or on top - I'm not sure what to do? I buzzed your bros hair by this age, and your sis had curls to cover up the akward stage...I think we'll just roll with it, or maybe try some pigtails? You're cute no matter what!

-a month or so ago, you took your first steps. But these days, you are walking EVERYWHERE! You are in a hurry, girly! Daddy says that by your birthday - which is next weekend!!!! - you'll be running to get your piece of cake. I don't doubt it. And...

-climbing the chairs and table to get to the cake, as well. You are our first climber! I've always kind of had it easy because your older brother and sister were generally cautious and I didn't have to worry a lot about them doing something too crazy and getting hurt - but you, littlest sis! Wow! You keep me on lifeguard duty all day long :) You scale anything you can, and if there's a plug, you go for it (so first thing we did before moving in was baby proof the house with gates on the stairs and plug covers, and little locks on the cupboards etc.) AND if there's a tiny piece of even lint on the floor, you find it and try to eat it. Sawyer says "I love Hazel - she's our crazy silly baby!" It's true. You are a silly sweet girl and I have a hunch you'll have a great sense of humor!

-you're so easy going. Perhaps because your whole first year you've made so many adaptations to the changes we've had - or your personality, who knows. But it's great. You're always happy, and I love it.

-you are a total water baby!

-you love it when we sit in your new cozy rocking chair and read books. you also love it when I sing to you. 

-you love trying to keep up with your brother and sister. you always want to be where they are. you have taken a great interest in legos (the bigger duplo kind) and you also love playing with the WOW cars we have (they are friction operated little race cars, well, not that little - big enough for you to hold and push around, it's so cute. Your brother and sister picked one out for you to have your very own for your upcoming birthday!)

-since moving into our new house, you've become a champion napper! It's crazy! In our apartment you were constantly being woke up by your brother and sister, who would go in our room to "check" on you and wake you up. Or maybe the fact that the table where they sat eating or doing art projects, was right on the opposite wall of where you were sleeping and their laughter would wake you. Plus, I did drag you around in the baby backpack/ergo/stroller a lot so you napped there. BUT I couldn't count on your naps, it was just a lucky day when you got two naps at home. Since moving into your own room, your own space - on a different floor than the dining/art take TWO AMAZING naps EVERY day! (why do you think I'm doing this post right now? because you've been napping for an hour and will probably continue right until lunch time!) Maybe you're making up for months of sleep deprivation, or maybe all that walking and running around is tiring your little body out. Or maybe it's just much more quiet in your own room. I'm not sure what it is, but I'll take it. 

-there's so much more I could say. The reason I remembered to even do this post is because I was trying on the dress I want you to wear on your birthday. It's a sweet white dress that your Aunt Tia brought back to you from her trip to Norway. It's like 9 months sized, but is still big on you. You are a petite little powerhouse of a girl. Future dancer or gymnast, perhaps? You are cute and sweet and we love you bunches and bunches. 

-I'm so glad I chose you over Kauai. That's a bit of a story...Daddy and I were looking ahead. We were going to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary, and we had thoughts of taking the family to Kauai and having a little time to frolic in the Hawaiian Islands with our little family before we moved on (we knew changes were coming). But, instead, I told Daddy I wanted to have YOU. We couldn't afford to do both the vacation and have another baby, so I chose YOU. We probably could've gone on two luxurious Hawaiian vacations for how much it cost to have a baby...but luckily Daddy didn't mind :) Who knows if we'll ever make it to Kauai. But we know we have you and will love you forever. You're even better!  

-I love you more than you'll ever know. But I hope that as you grow up you will always know I love you. We love you. You've captured our hearts, little wonderful baby girl!

And now, I must sign off because - yikes! Time to finish planning your first birthday! A week from tomorrow!!!!

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