Hudson Jude Carter
7 lbs 20 inches
The rather amazing story of our Hudson Jude coming earth side (sorry, it's rather long):
First, some background. So...if you know the stories of my other births, you know that I tend to have rapid or precipitous labors and deliveries. My first birth was quick and smooth - just under 5 hours of active labor - but my second and third were both very fast - second being about 2 and a half hours of active labor, and third being barely an hour and a half (and we came super close to having her in the hallway of the birth center!). Thankfully, my research, preparation, and practice - in particular my training and practice of hynobirthing (Mongan Method) - prepared my mind and body very well to cope with these quick labors. Instead of being terrified - I was simply surprised - but extremely calm. I have been able to relax to the point that I honestly LOVE labor and delivery - it is a very Zen experience for me. I am quiet, relaxed, and drawn inward to the extent that my husband has to just sit back and watch because I don't really "need" him to do anything (which is why I began assigning him to be my birth photographer ;) I tend to have rough pregnancies (especially with girls) and a quick, smooth, labor and delivery have always seemed like a gift to me.
However, as we prepared for the birth of our fourth baby, we had moved to a new state. Texas is not as progressive as Seattle when it comes to where, when, and how to have a baby. While I had an OB that I adored in Seattle, a small hospital with an attached birth center that was set up wonderfully to support natural labors and deliveries - I found that Texas was simply behind the times in that regard. So, we decided to use a free-standing birth center with a midwife group. They were wonderful to work with. The only problem is that the birth center was 30 minutes from our home. For most, that wouldn't be a problem. But considering that my third baby could've easily been born in the hallway of the birth center, and we lived a mere 5 minutes away - we were both a bit nervous about getting to the birth center in time for our fourth baby. 30 minutes!?! Our midwives, thankfully, were just as concerned as we were! They actually gave us instructions and set us up with a little portable car "birth kit" - just in case we ended up having to deliver on the side of the road somewhere. This was both wonderful, and slightly nerve racking for me! I could sense their being nervous about us making it, too.
So, three days before his expected due date, on a Saturday, I had a few random surges in the wee hours of the morning. I was so excited! Maybe this would be it! I think I had like three. But once I got out of bed and showered, they completely stopped. Bummer. Maybe not today, after all. It was a lovely - gorgeous - autumn-ish day in Austin, so after a leisurely breakfast of German Pancakes, we decided it would be a wonderful afternoon for a little hike. Obviously, I was at the waddling stage - but still, a hike sounded perfect. We packed some lunches and got our little gang of hikers ready to go. We called and invited my sister and her husband to join us if they wanted to. They did! So - we waited for them to come over, and then we caravaned about 30 minutes to the trailhead. As we were hiking (it was mostly uphill natural stairs) I had a few surges. Jacob started to get nervous. I brushed it off. They were totally random and not coming in any pattern or consistency. We'd be fine. We hiked a little further, and then found a spot to eat our little lunch. After that, we started back. Across from the trailhead is a lovely little park - one of my very favorite in Austin. Woodlands Park. We decided to go over and let the kids play on the playground and run around for a bit. As they were playing, I needed to use the restroom. As I walked up a steep hill towards the public restrooms, I was suddenly hit by a powerful surge. It stopped me in my tracks, it was a painful sensation - I had not felt something like that before. I chalked it up to walking up the steep hill. And took my time coming down. About fifteen minutes later, my body started feeling a little crampy. Jacob decided that perhaps it would be good to start heading back towards home. IF for some reason things started happening - it would take a good hour to get to the birth center from where we were. So, we packed up, and headed towards home. I had a couple of surges during the drive home. Jacob let my sister know that there was a chance we might call them to come over at some point, if I went into labor.
It was about 5pm by the time we got home. I decided to go upstairs to our room and lay down for a few minutes. Jacob decided to take the kids to the grocery store and grab a few last minute groceries and some pizza for dinner. While he was gone, I started having more surges. I decided to time them. They were somewhat random, but they were definitely coming. Around 6pm, Jacob and the kids returned and he checked in with me. I told him what was happening and that I thought, yes, something was happening - but I was content just laying there relaxing. There was no way I was anywhere near needing to rush to the birth center. He decided to call the midwives for their opinion. Because the surges were random and not in a perfect pattern, they told us to take an average. They said when they averaged TEN minutes apart they wanted us to come in right away. Okay - after only a few surges (from the time I started timing them, just after 5pm) they averaged 10 minutes. Really? We're supposed to go right NOW? But, we would rather be safe and get there early than have a baby on the freeway, so Jacob called my sister and about 20 minutes later - about 6:30, we said good bye to the kids and headed toward the birth center. I had only had 12 surges total since we got home. There was no traffic, so we got there in about 20 minutes. STRANGELY though, once we got in the car - the surges stopped. I kept waiting for them. I had maybe one during the 20 minute drive. I started to wonder why we went.
We checked in with the midwives and they checked me to see where things were at. Baby was still really high, but I was already 5cm dilated and 80% they did NOT want me going anywhere. I changed into my little black nightgown, and they set me up on the birth ball. I felt completely silly! NO surges! They still wanted me to stay. For 2 hours, I sat there on the birth ball, listening to birth affirmations and relaxing music, and joking with Jacob that this was crazy. The midwives decided to try to help things along - so they gave me a drop of blue cohosh under my tongue, and started to diffuse some clary sage essential oil into the air near me. Well, about 20 minutes later - at this point it was about 9:15pm - I FINALLY started having some surges again. I was so excited! They came one on top of each other - about 5 minutes apart but SO easy to handle. It was the craziest labor! I asked them at what point I should get in the birth tub, and they said, whenever I wanted. So, they filled it up and dimmed the lights, and I got in. Silence. Sweet, calm, silence, as the water enveloped me in the perfect temperature of the womb. Jacob sat nearby. I looked like I was asleep, and yet - finally, the surges were getting closer and stronger together. I glanced at the clock - 10pm. I wondered when I might meet this baby boy I had dreamed of meeting for so long!
Well, about fifteen minutes later, things got more intense - I was obviously in transition. It was one of the midwives' birthday that day, and she joked that a perfect present would be to have my baby share her birthday! By 10:15pm, I felt like pushing. I had pushed 3 babies out before - and while not a cake walk, honestly, I barely pushed at all with babies number 2 and 3 - they just flew right out into the world. This time, something was different. I pushed with all of my might - and for the first time, ever - I said out loud "is he going to come out?" It was the most intense pushing I had ever done. I closed my eyes and seriously felt like maybe he was somehow stuck. Well, it seemed like a while to me - but it was mere minutes. I was determined. At 10:30pm - after fifteen minutes and probably about 5 pushing contractions - one of the midwives said he was coming - there he was! And "OH MY GOODNESS! It's his FACE!" One more push, my water finally broke - and he was out! Such relief from the pressure! Immediately, after they handed him to me, both of the midwives started completely GEEKING OUT! They told us that he had a very rare presentation - that now everything made more sense. My labor stopped because of his position. I had to push harder than ever before because I was pushing the BIGGEST part of his body through the birth canal instead of the malleable crown of his head. They said it was akin to a breech delivery - but much more uncommon. They went on to tell us that they had only seen this type of presentation in text books! And that generally, the labor takes a very long time and the baby gets stuck and an emergency c-section takes place. Also, the baby's face is generally very swollen and bruised - almost scary looking (google it). However, because my water didn't break until right when he was born, it padded both my bones and his face - and while he was a little swollen and bruised, he looked great and a day later you'd never know how traumatic his delivery was on his poor little face.
Wow. I heard them, but I was mostly just happy to have Hudson Jude looking up at me and in my arms. I didn't think a whole lot about anything except that he made it out safe and sound and - really - labor was easy peasy besides the last part of pushing where I momentarily doubted he would come out. But I was glad to know there was a good reason I felt that way, and sense to why labor had stopped. I honestly feel like if he had been in a normal position - I wouldn't have made it to the birth center. Now, it was a more difficult delivery - but at the same time, we got to where we needed to be. They are also set up at the birth center to do a 5 minute emergency transfer to the nearby hospital if there are complications, so I am so grateful we were there instead of on the side of the road. One of the midwives told me she couldn't believe how calm and relaxed I was during labor - that no wonder my babies are born and so calm and mellow. I took it as a wonderful complement.
So - he was finally here. Our sweet and adorable Hudson Jude. I, of course, tore (as I did every single delivery) - so Jacob held our boy while they stitched me up. We made a couple of phone calls. Texted family and a few friends that he had arrived. And then, I took a shower and got cleaned up and we got settled into the family bed they had there in the room. One thing I love about the birth center, is that you don't have to stay long. Normally, a second (or third, or fourth) time mom only has to stay 4 hours - but that would have us going home in the middle of the night. Our kids were all asleep and my sister and her husband were there, so we decided to just stay the night at the birth center.
I can NEVER sleep after I have a baby. I get the biggest adrenaline rush and am just SO excited - so I just stayed up all night, holding, cuddling, staring at our perfect little guy. So thankful. Jacob, on the other hand, was able to sleep just fine. So, while I sat in the rocking chair most of the night, Jacob slept. I held my boy, nursed him, rocked him, loved on him in the way only a mother can. What a gift he was to our family! I woke Jacob up early-ish because I wanted to go home. So, we got everything ready to check out and by 7am we left. The birth center has a kitchen, but because of the time I had Hudson - we didn't really get a good dinner. Just some snacks. I was STARVING! So, we decided to take a detour on the way home. We stopped at Kerby Lane Cafe for an early morning feast of a breakfast. Since it was a few days before Halloween, they had their seasonal pumpkin pancakes. We had such a yummy breakfast - a little date on the way home, before things got loud with FOUR kids! Ha! I have to admit, the waitress was like "wow, that's the tiniest baby I've seen - how old?" And I was like..."he was born last night" and her jaw dropped. I guess not many people take their newborn on a date when they are a few hours old. It was a fun memory made.
We took Hudson home - arrived about 9am - and introduced him to his adoring fan club - his brother and sisters. It's always so magical when they meet their new sibling, just makes my mama heart explode! Hudson's birth story really was amazing - we were incredibly lucky that everything worked out so well. And now, here we are, with FOUR babies! And oh, how we love them!
This is a little update (about a year and a half later...) - since many people assume he was "sunny side up" - but no. It was actually his squishy little FACE that presented! Around his birthday, and when people talk to me about it, I realize that I had a little bit of retrospective birth trauma. Everything turned out fine, yes - but every now and then I think about how crazy and scary it COULD have been, and it kinda freaks me out! Strangely enough, I am like this weird legend at the birth center! They all know the story and every time I go in - "oh, you're the one!" Yes, yes I am. I guess they actually had one more face presentation since I had Hudson - and she had to be transferred for an emergency c-section. Made me feel that much more grateful! If he was my first baby instead of fourth, I am not sure I could've done it! But, I did. And he is the happiest little guy - our happy Hudson!
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