Sunday, January 31, 2016

Celebrations // Aspen turns 6

I can hardly believe our first sweet girl is six years old! It really does happen fast! And while I love reminiscing about the once cherubic, round-faced baby she was - I just love love her so much right here and now, that I can't help but just be excited to celebrate her! I actually wasn't planning on doing a party for her this year, but as she started kindergarten and has made little friends, she was just so excited, and asked - and how could I say no? I did tell her I wanted to keep it simple and a lightbulb suddenly went on that you don't have to have a theme to celebrate a birthday ;) I told her to simply think of some of her favorite people, some of her favorite things to do, and some of her favorite snacks - and then we'd add cupcakes to top it off. 

So, she decided playing at the park was a favorite. She made a list of 10 friends (because that's how many invitations we had) - and she hand-wrote those invitations herself, she was so proud. Her teacher helped her secretly put them in folders to go home. No e-vite here! She also thought a piñata would be super fun - so I got a piñata and put some lollipops inside. She picked out goldfish crackers, cheese sticks, and chocolate milk as the snacks, and I made cupcakes. January can be a little bit of a chance with the weather - but we decided to plan on an outside party at the park and bundle up if it was cold. It was actually a pretty nice day - but because of the wind, it was a little chilly. That did not hold the kids back one bit! They were chasing each other around the playground, laughing, smiling - and having a wonderful time just playing together. We did the piñata, sang to our sweet Aspen - who couldn't hide her grins and giggles at being the birthday girl. And then one by one, we headed home. 

I joked to the other moms at the party that this was my "anti pinterest party". Because as fun, and beautiful - and let's be real - stressful - a perfectly planned and photo-ready party can be - this was just as big of a hit. And it was all Aspen's idea, which made it that much better. 

Something else we did this year is that we talked about how we have plenty of toys and that she would be getting a gift or two from her family. We talked about how her special day she came into the world was a day where she could also GIVE a gift to make the world a better place - because we all know the world is a better place because she was born ;) So, after talking about various ideas, she decided she wanted to do something to help babies. The attacks in Paris happened recently and as we talked about what happened, and the many people, families, and babies who were refugees, she decided that she wanted to help the refugee babies. So, in lieu of gifts, she asked that her friends bring diapers to help her make a big donation to help the refugee babies. It was such an awesome experience! 

I took her, along with her siblings, a week or so after her party, to the Refugee Services of Central Texas. There, we waited among refugees to make the donation. I had given them a heads up that we were coming and they made such a big deal about it. We all had such a wonderful experience as she gave her gift to those babies and families in need. I hope it is a tradition we will continue - I think it really impressed my children's hearts, as well as my own. Little people can do big things.

All and all, it was a fabulous birthday - a wonderful way to celebrate the life of one of the very most sweet and beautiful girls we know, inside as well as out. We are so blessed to have Aspen as a daughter and for the light she is to all those around her. Happiest of Birthdays, Sweet Aspen Jane! We love you!!!

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