Thursday, December 31, 2015

life lately // december

1. chalk art in our garage-gallery
2. there's a blizzard blowin' in ;)
3. white christmas daydreaming'
4. 4th annual polar bear plunge//other side of barton springs
5. splish, splash!!!
6. the zilker tree-of-sorts
7. the leaves have finally started to turn colors and flutter down
8. coolest old tree in the neighborhood
9. curling up all cozy with a good book
10. austin tradition: decorate the trees along the 360 highway
11. baby's first "snow" experience (manmade and super crowded)
12. snow angel
13. snow ball fight!
14. not sure what to think of this white, cold stuff (or his fuzzy fleece snowsuit!)
15. twinkle walk around the neighborhood
16. winter solstice - no shirt, no problem. got popsicles?
17. tradition
18. tradition with a new twist (painting instead of frosting)
19. while visions of sugarplums danced in her head
20. who needs new toys for christmas? (gimme all the boxes!)
21. the gift that keeps on giving - a pass to the aquarium!
22. last ride of the year on the zilker zephyr
23. cutest little bear
24. best wishes for an amazing new year!

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