Wednesday, January 9, 2008

baby kicks!

I found this picture on the internet. Apparently, this is about what a baby looks like at 18 weeks, which is now how far along we are. Getting pretty cute, eh? Well, I must admit that pregnancy is not as fun as I had always dreamed about. Insomnia, yet being incredibly fatigued, aversions to certain foods and smells (including my husband's Lucky cologne and certain brands of toothpaste!) etc. I haven't thrown up once, but I haven't felt myself, either. But now, I realize, I haven't gone to bed at 8 o'clock for the past two weeks. I stayed up all the way to ring in the new year and have had several late nights trying to organize and clear out our 2nd bedroom, which is becoming the nursery. I guess this pregnancy thing is getting better! I am also finally starting to get a little belly - not round yet, but certainly soon enough! The best part of all, is that last week I started feeling our baby kicking and moving around! A week or two before that I felt a few little flutters and wondered if it was the baby or just my imagination, but this week I have felt the little one moving around doing pilates or gymnastics, or whatever, every day! Now that is exciting! And I can hardly wait to see the little one two weeks from today on screen - for my birthday! Hopefully this little baby will cooperate so it's mommy can start calling him/her by his/her real name on my birthday! Yeah for babies in bellies!!!

PS- A big THANKS to Jacob for being so patient with me - even when I cried recently over spilled milkshakes! (now that's a story to be told!)

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