The belly
Recently, I've had a few requests to see how big my belly is--so this post is for all of you who've inquired! So, this coming week will mark the half-way point of our pregnancy. That's 20 weeks of our little baby growing and stretching out my belly. I guess if you consider a baby like a "bun in the oven", then our baby is "half-baked" as of Wednesday! I'm really excited for the ultrasound and also a little nervous. I realize the real reason they're doing it isn't to figure out what color we should paint the nursery, but to make sure everything looks good and healthy and the baby has a complete set of fingers and toes, etc. So I'll keep praying that everything will look great!
Jacob hates it when I say "oh my, look how fat I'm getting!" He corrects me and says "you mean, pregnant -- and you're supposed to, and you look great!" Apparently my belly isn't that big for being almost 5 months pregnant, and a few people have asked where I'm hiding the baby...but I'm sure most of you can tell my belly is getting bigger and I'm pretty sure that any day now it is gonna pop right out there and I'll find myself waddling down the street. At least for now I'm not waddling, so I can't complain. I really shouldn't complain at all!
Anyway...We'll keep you posted on our growing baby in my growing belly!
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