Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Guess who's going to be sharing his toys?

Sawyer is!!! Although, little does he know, he's going to be sharing a lot more than just his toys. The tradeoff: a lifetime buddy!

Yes, as of tomorrow I will be 8 weeks pregnant. It's funny, because I always know, almost instantaneously, that I am pregnant. (Well, 3 times anyway - 1 was a miscarriage). This time, there was no way to mistake it: my moods were swinging in an uncommon fashion, my breasts were tender (I'm still nursing Sawyer so I didn't think that would be a factor this time, but surely - sorely, it is), fatigue set it, and nausea set in earlier and so far a bit more fiercely than before. The biggest difference, though: my ravishing hunger. Yes, growing a new baby and feeding a bigger one all at once takes a LOT of calories. I have never been so hungry - I feel like I'm just grabbing at food all day - in my life.

Sawyer and his new baby brother or sister will be 19 months apart. He is just not going to get it for a while, I'm afraid. Or, maybe he'll catch on more than we think. He is a smart cookie, afterall :) Baby #2 should arrive early to mid February.

In the meantime, we are enjoying our summer! We started parent-tot swim class last week which is twice a week for a month at an outdoor pool in Magnolia. In August, we have class every day for two weeks! It's great to count on a little time in the pool on a hot day! And it makes me have to get out of the house even when I'm feeling not-so-good at times. But I can't complain too much, because while maybe I don't feel quite-so-good at times, I also don't feel so-so-bad at all. It could be much worse!

Here's to our new little one! We are excited to see him or her grow, along with my belly, in the weeks to come. Wish us luck!

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