Yesterday, to celebrate Sawyer being 14 months old, me making it through 14 weeks of this pregnancy (bye bye 1st trimester!), and all of us surviving and needing a break from trying to get organized again, I took Sawyer on his first Mama-Son Date. I realized that between being sick and moving, I don't think I've taken any pictures of our son since the week of his birthday! So, here are a few so you can see how fast he is growing and what a big boy he is becoming!
For our date, Sawyer had his first visit to Dick's (a favorite local burger joint). Jacob and I laugh, thinking of how health-conscious Seattleites snub their noses at Mickie D's, but Dick's is okay (you know, everything in moderation, right?)
Sawyer was definitely more interested in the Seagulls begging for fries than the Eats & Drinks at first...but once he tasted that milkshake, he knew where to place his interest...
I can tell you that the strawberry milkshake and fries were a big hit with my boy. He even liked the burger - with lots of ketchup, of course. I suppose he is his Mama's son :)
ps- don't you just love his chubby toddler hands?
And for the merriment, we headed over to U-Village for a little live-music action. We listened to a band called The Paper Boys. They have a pretty loyal following in Seattle, but it was my first time to give them a listen - and I liked! They played mostly original music, all easy to groove to, and then they did play one cover, and of a cover to play, it was a great pick (Jimi Hendrix's All Along the Watchtower).
At first, we sat at a table with a couple of old ladies who were wearing ear plugs and still thought the music was too loud (cracked me up!). One of them offered to take a picture of me and my boy.
Later, we moved on up front to join the dancing fools. It was, of course, much louder there. At first, Sawyer was all eyes and ears. He obviously liked the music, and was curious about the whole scene. He finally got down and started groovin' - big people all around. He got a lot of smiles. I think he was the smallest guy in the group, and, in my opinion, the most handsome!
He was, of course, in awe of the guitars. Blame it on his Daddy who loves to play - I think we are one day going to have a little rocker on our hands. I won't mind one bit. I love it when Jacob has the time to strum some tunes. Lately, there hasn't been much time for that - but soon, we hope to be settled. (And then we'll bring on the pictures of our new place! Sorry it's taking so long!)
To top off our evening of fun, we spent some time at the little playground. Then, we packed it up (just when the warm rain started mind you - I do love a warm summer rain!) and headed to pick Jacob up from work. Yep, he's been working a lot of long long hours trying to meet a deadline this week. Great for job security - a little sad for Mama and Sawyer, who miss Daddy when he's not home for dinner or bedtime. But we do appreciate all of his hard work for our family! Next time, maybe he'll be the lucky one to get a night out with Mama! ;)
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