Sunday, August 16, 2009

Our itty bitty baby bump

We were at the park at a birthday party yesterday and someone was asking me how I was feeling, etc. and another person said "what? you're pregnant?" The first person joked, and said, "yes, the first time she was pregnant you couldn't tell until about the last couple weeks she looked a little bloated..." I laughed. I didn't get that huge with my first pregnancy (pretty normal, right?) and people always commented how "small" I was. I, on the other hand, hoped and prayed to get a soccer-ball-round-preggo belly to show off, sooner than I did. Well, maybe this time around I'll get my wish! I already feel bigger than I did the first time. I also feel like I am carrying lower (which may be a good thing later on for my ribcage!) I want to make sure to document things for our second child as well as we did for the first. It has been a little harder since we've been crazy busy the last few weeks and also because I felt horrible the last 10 weeks - but slowly, I am feeling a little better. Definitely more tempermental/moody this time, probably from feeling so sick (my poor hubby! I'm so lucky he's so patient with me...).

Hooray for baby bumps (even itty bitty ones!) No doubt it's gonna be getting a LOT B.I.G.G.E.R. in the next few months!

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