I wish I could say that Sunday is always a relaxing day...but the truth is...it is always a good day, but not always relaxing, at least for our family. Jacob seems to have done something that perpetuates a sign over his head that says "I'm a good guy. I'm a good leader." and in a church where the laymen are the leaders, he always seems to get picked. He dedicates a lot of time - his only spare time, really, as he's been working upwards of 70+ hours a week pretty much since Aspen's birth, to his duties and service related to his church assignments. Which means, early morning meetings before church, often after church, during the week etc. I fully acknowledge the blessings that flow into our lives because of the service we offer our fellowmen in our church assignments, but that doesn't mean I don't occasionally wish we could just have a lazy Sunday, or take a nap, or something. We try very hard to squeeze in a Sunday Stroll, but today it is a bit rainy and dreary. So, between meetings today, Jacob got to sit down for just a few minutes, and in that time, he played with Aspen. Or rather, she played with him? She was trying so hard to grab the little dots on his tie! And then, of course, she showered him with some spit up. It is just part of our lives these days :)
I so appreciate my good husband. I don't think he even knows how much. I wish I were better at letting him know. I'll have to work on that!
I also appreciate when he gets a few minutes to sit with us on a Sunday afternoon. I know he does, too. Sometimes I feel selfish, but maybe it's just natural, to always want my loved ones within arms reach. I truly relish the time we get to spend together. I try incredibly hard to be organized enough to have some time to spend just doing nothing or anything with my man and our babes. They are truly my everything, my greatest gifts.
I hope you all were able to spend a few minutes relaxing today, just enjoying your loved ones, doing nothing in particular, but at the same time, supremely enjoying each other's company.
Happy Sunday!