Time is a-flyin'. Tomorrow, Aspen is 4 months old. Our newborn is no longer. We definitely have a roly-poly little baby these days, who is learning the ropes of living and exploring her world at lightning speed.
I promise not to make this as long as last month...but I just have to "jot" a couple of things down because this is where I do that. (Then I'll look back over it to make her baby book later!)
Aspen at Four Months:
-You've discovered your hands. BIG TIME. You can't get enough of sucking and drooling on those pudgy little fingers and fists of yours. And we just can't get enough of Y-O-U, cuteness!
-Your eyes are looking like blue might stick...and you're hair keeps gradually getting lighter. Maybe it'll end up "dirty blond" like your brothers? Who knows? His eyes took a long time to settle to a color - and they ended up being quite unique. Maybe yours will settle sooner and be more of one color - perhaps like Daddy's gray/blue eyes? I guess we'll find out, eventually!
-You're rolling over both directions, and getting more proficient every day. Sometimes when I leave you on the floor to go change a load of laundry, I come back 30 seconds later to find your rolled over.
-Along with the rolling over, you like to grasp things and reach for things now. Toys are much more exciting...and one of your favorite games is when Sawyer pulls his "semi truck" up in front of your view and he then backs it up out of your view and says "where is it? there't is!" You always bust out the smiles.
-You started using the big sponge in the big bath tub and are experimenting with kickin' those cute, chubba-lubba legs of yours to get some splashing action. I am excited for the day that you and your brother can "play" together during bath time!
-You have started joining us at the dinner table - no longer down below in the bouncy seat or swing, but now in your own high chair. You love being more a part of our family meals, and I saw you eyeing our food last night...yikes, a couple more months and you'll get to try some of Momma's homemade goodness baby food (I have a sneaky suspicion that it will become popular once again with your bro, too).
-We just traded in the baby swing for the Exersaucer - and Sawyer loves showing you how all the toys work. (I think he'll miss having the swing out, too, since when you're not in it he sneaks in a swing or two whenever he thinks we're not watching...)
-You are SO smiley and happy and you'd probably laugh or think your Momma is weird for how many times I try to eat your tummy daily, or nibble your ear...anything to hear your sweet giggles. It is MUSIC TO MY EARS. One of the best sounds in all the world.
-Lucky for us, we don't have to try to get you to smile. You come by it naturally. It must be genetic :)
-And, of course, you love your brother. You watch him like a hawk. You smile at the things he does even when he doesn't see it. But I do. It pretty much makes my heart melt, I'm such a sap!
-To my delight, you are kinda a "Momma's Girl". I'm loving it! Please stay that way all the way through high school!
-Your just such a sweet girl, I can't get over it. How did we ever get so lucky?
We love you, Little Aspen!
*okay, I lied about keeping it short. There's just too much good stuff to tell!
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