It was such a very awesome day the only thing we could possibly do was to hit --
The Beach!!!

It was little Aspen's first time putting her cute, chubby, bare little toes in the sand. She loved it. She is just getting so deliciously roly-poly these days. Seriously, I just can't quit nibbling all of her chub. I love fat babies - especially when they're mine! It was a good thing it was so warm because after about an hour she was just wearing her only spare onesie...she had some major projectile spit up happening that drenched her clothes, the Ergo, and me. So, I toted her around on my hip and sat her on my knees. It's a little difficult trying to take pictures with only one hand and a wiggly baby in the other...but I did it anyway. And then she spit up and barely missed the camera...I got the hint and put the camera away for good after that :)
My perfume was of spit up and drool. And my t-shirt looked like a bird attacked it from above...but I didn't care. It was warm. It was sunny. We were at the beach (have I ever mentioned that the beach is my favorite place in the world?)

We all had our first toe-dip in Lake Washington, also. Sawyer was wearing his "skull boots" so I don't know if that officially counts. But that's okay...tomorrow is supposed to be even nicer than today, so he'll get another chance!
Now, let's just pray this weather sticks! I'm SO ready for summer - my FAVORITE time of the year! Bring it!
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