Sawyer woke up to this (see above) on his second birthday. It was a glorious morning, warm and sunny. Perfect! We had waffles with fresh strawberries and then let him open the gifts sent from his Grandparents and Gigi before we packed up and headed to Gas Works Park for his party. He was so excited. We actually went in with my parents for the trike, since I try very hard not to give into the urge to buy everything the boy wants. But I am glad family sent a few gifts so he could have the pleasure of ripping some paper - the bike was too hard to wrap :) And his little friends also gave him some gifts - they know him well, as most every gift involved wheels of some sort. That's boys for you!

His party was a RACE theme. I got black and white racing flags to decorate the table and the cupcakes. I tried hard to keep it simple, but fun, too - because isn't the party partially for the mom to have fun putting it all together? The kids really liked the cherries on top. I love that they liked them.

A bunch of boys, and their bikes. What could be better? The weather was absolutely gorgeous, the sun glistening on Union Bay as sailboats and motor boats zoomed by the party. Mostly, we just let the boys play and ride their bikes. But we did have one game: Stop and Go (think Red Light, Green Light). Imagine a bunch of boys ranging in age from 2-4 and you can imagine that not everyone understood when to stop or go - it made it so funny to watch. They just loved it because it was a "race".

Everyone was a winner!

I didn't get as many pictures as I would've liked - we also had "wheelie sandwiches" which were pb&j made with circular bread, and "traffic light fruit kabobs" made of red, yellow, and green (strawberries, pineapple, and kiwi). But my favorite was the custom water bottles Jacob designed for all of our thirsty little bikers. It's a definite bonus to have a husband who is an amazing graphic designer to help with party stuff!
Overall, it was just FUN. And that's what we hoped for. Plain. Good. Ole. FUN with Friends. The best kind of celebration! Thanks to everyone who came for adding to the good time and for celebrating with us as Sawyer turned TWO.