Dear Sawyer,
I just want you to know that I think the world of you.
You are the coolest little guy I know. Not to mention the sweetest. You're pretty darn handsome, too. But the most important part is that you are sensitive to those around you and have a heart and personality that care for others and bring a sense of fun and adventure to each day. You easily win people over.
You've won me over, that's for sure!
I love you to pieces! Happy Birthday!

He's 2. I can hardly believe it. I have a TWO-year-old! He's starting to crack me up with the faces he's pulling these days. Must be a "two" thing. I took him to the beach/park on his birthday eve., BOB our stroller, baby sister, and HUGE #2 balloon in tow. I was not going to lose this one (remember last year? I got two photos before he let go of the balloon and I almost broke my camera trying to save it...so disappointing! not this year!) People kinda gave us the stare down (CRAZY Momma!) as we walked around the park. Or should I say, as I followed my son around for a good 20 minutes, trying to get some "two year old pics" to remember him by. I kid you not that 2/3 of what I got was the back of his head in some form or another. Here are the winners.
A few quirky things about Sawyer, turning two:
-He speaks in full sentences and wows people with his vocabulary. Right now we think this is adorable but I'm sure shortly we will be wondering how we can ever shut the boy up :)
-LOVES the outdoors. The beach is one of his favorite places (especially if there are train tracks close by).
-Loves to jump and bounce, "like Tigger"
-Does a perfect somersault - can even nail it when he comes at it with a run.
-Is the only toddler we know who requests to read the Encyclopedia as bedtime stories.
-Gets a kick out of riding his bike, FAST, around our little "driveway" and announces when we are "goin' uphill", "goin' downhill" or need to stop "red is for stop!" or go "green is for go!".
-He has learned to count without us even trying to teach him. Must be all the reading of the encyclopedias or something.
-He is OBSESSED with anything with wheels. Cars, trucks, trains, motorcycles. And he does a pretty awesome "Va Vroooom!" He also stole a line from a movie our neighbor let us borrow which brings sly gazes to outbursts of laughter when people hear him declare: "Crazy Woman Driver!" (anyone guess the movie? Hint: the woman he is talking about loves furs)
-He still believes his parents are the best thing in the world.
(party pics soon to follow)
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