I'm finally home. Been MIA for a bit over a week. That's because during Sawyer's Birthday Party we got a phone call to get home as quick as we could, as my Grandmother was in the hospital and not doing well. So, we packed up the party, went home, threw some things together (literally) and started driving. We got to my family's home at about 2am, crashed for a few hours, and then headed to the hospital to see our dear Grandma Iris (Gigi to the great-grandbabies) Sunday morning.

I hesitated about bringing the camera into the hospital, but now I am so glad I did. For my siblings and family members who didn't get a chance to come say good-bye in person, this is for them. And for me, for my memory bank, and for my children. This is my beautiful Grandmother two days before she died. She was as beautiful as ever. I hope to look half as good as she did at 91. More importantly, I hope to be half the woman she was during my little dash here on Earth.

To my sister Rachel - here she is talking to you on the phone. She was surrounded by family and those that couldn't be there, she really did feel your love through your thoughts, prayers, and phone calls.

The two youngest members of our family were able to bring smiles to her face. Above, she is smiling at the handsome face of my brother's baby, Zack.

She was waiting to meet Aspen. We were originally going to go spend the 4th of July with her. But she couldn't wait for the fireworks. Her celebration was of a different variety. Quiet, sweet, kisses from Great-grandmother to Great-granddaughter. I don't recall if my heart melted or exploded at this point, but I am so happy they got to meet, and that Aspen got kisses from my sweet Grandma Iris.
Monday was the second anniversary of her husband's death. In accordance to her wishes, we had any life support turned off at a certain point. We had a very special and peaceful experience as we gathered around her and had a family prayer...we were her "send off" party and there was a big celebration being prepared to welcome her on the other side. I can only imagine the reunion she had with her husband of 65 years, her parents, her 8 siblings, her Grandparents, and other friends and relatives who have gone before her. She held on for a little while, and then passed away the following evening.
Still, it was bittersweet. It is hard to say good-bye to someone you love so much. It was hard when Sawyer picked up the phone the next day, as I have done at least weekly, and said "callin' Gigi", knowing we could never again during this life pick up the phone to call her and hear her voice answer. But I have been surprised at the measure of comfort and peace that has settled over our family during this time of her departure from this life.
As a child, Grandma would often sing this Doris Day song, "I love you, a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck..."
I was pleased to be able to whisper those same words to her before she went. She sat up just a little bit in bed, leaned toward me with bright eyes, and said "I love you."
But she didn't have to say it. She said it every day without words. I have always been secure in the knowledge of her love for me, and for all of us. I already miss her, but I know she is in a better place. A place of peace and rest. And I know that when my time comes, she will be waiting to welcome me, too.
I love you, Grandma. A Bushel and a Peck...
*I will do some catching up posts soon, as well as post about her funeral in the coming week or so...for those who wanted to be there but couldn't. And of course I will need to catch up on Sawyer's big event, too - he's TWO now!
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