here we are, friday night - 6:30pm...
waiting for the hubs to get home so we can head out on date night.
we don't have a sitter, or a plan...but I finally got around to taking a shower and getting dressed - and even got the kids looking cute (still haven't thrown any makeup on, but au natural is kinda my style, anyway) but I decided we needed a date night, even if the kids tag we are waiting and then heading OUT!
my mom and sister are coming into town later, so I spent a lot of today scrubbing the house from head to toe - and now that it's all sparkly, we are just sitting here enjoying it (well - the kids have now moved from coloring at the table to jumping on the sofa, but such is life!)
okay - so this is getting more random by the moment - anyone following my train of thought? that's okay - it's my journal/blog so it really just has to make sense to me in the end, right?
last week for date night, Jacob and I did a bit of designing together. Well, he designed, and I more like art directed - because I had this thing in mind that I wanted done for a long time, even had the frame already. And we finally got it done. I think we're a pretty good design duo - and we had fun in the process, which is what counts. Here's what we did...

A little print for our living area. If you look close, you can see a sea of legos on the floor reflected in the tv, oh, and my gaucho pants which I love to wear when I clean the house.
Since I had the camera out, I decided to take some pics of some other recent home projects, since we're on the subject.

If you were married to me, I bet I'd drive you nuts. Luckily, I get to drive Jacob nuts, but I think he likes me just as much for my crazy antics and projects as for my smile.
I decided a while back I wanted to do some kind of window treatment in our kitchen. We have stainless steel appliances, black tile. Paint is an antique blue and appliances and accents are red. I thought it would be fun to make it kind of bistro-ish, so I got some stripey fabric at Ikea that I thought would fit the bill. I found a great little tutorial and the other day while Sawyer was in school, and Aspen was taking a rare morning nap due to a bit of a cold, I jumped at the chance to sew it. Last night, Jacob made dinner so I could run to pick up the wood we needed to mount it. And then he ever so patiently worked with me so I could get it up (I am NOT patient and wanted to get it up before our company came to town). I think it cost me about $35 to make.

This winter when I'm making some nice soups or hot chocolate, I will pretend I live in France and it is my own little Bistro. Hey, you gotta find some way to brighten the many gray days we have here during Seattle winters!

Lastly, here we have the Stripey Bathroom. Okay, so stripes make me happy lately. I think it's okay. My friend did her entry way in stripes and I loved it! So, I tried it in our half bath in the main room (we live in a 3 story townhouse - so this is right off the kitchen/dining/living area.

if you ever want to paint stripes - this blog had some nice insights. it's trickier than it looks, but with lots of green tape and a nice dose of time and patience, the results are really FUN!

the downside of pretty pedestal sinks = no storage.
I tried to add a little storage with these baskets from the Land of Nod. They are from the Ropers collection, which they no longer carry (bummer! we have these all over our house and I LOVE them!) the positive part of them no longer carrying the collection is that I got these for $3 each when they were clearing them out! I put extra rolls of tp and sawyer's special toddler wipes, as well as my not-often-used makeup in them.

The finishing touch are a few words by the sink - on the door side. I love friendly little reminders.
I think I may also do a simple white linen or canvas window cover in this room, too - but right now I'm already knee deep in another project - our downstairs room/office.

Oh, yes, I do love how when you look in the mirror the stripes are all around you! (I only did them on the one big wall - are you kiddin' me, doing them around the sink and behind the toilet would have been sheer torture!)

Yep, these pics were taken while the kids were napping and it was 3pm and I hadn't showered yet - still wearing the cleaning gauchos. Hair not combed, face not washed - I'm like this more often than I'd like to admit, but I am fine admitting it :)

Oh! Garage door is opening! Jacob just pulled up on his bike - perfect timing -
Time to sign off -
Happy Friday, all!