On Labor Day, we decided to go for a hike.
We almost went up north to Fragrance Lake near Bellingham, but decided to do something a bit more challenging (pay off for more challenge = more pictueresque).
So off we went to the Alpine Lakes Wilderness near Snoqualmie Pass and got set to hike to Snow Lake.

It was 8 miles round trip. Sawyer hiked a good mile and a half himself. But it was also not an "easy" hike so we packed the kids on our backs (soooo glad we have two kid-packs!) and really got a work out. I mean, my legs that night almost felt equivalent to when I ran 28.2 miles a few years back in San Diego.
(I guess that tells you what kind of shape I'm in!)

Because of our kind of late-bloomer of a summer, there were still tons of wild flowers a-flowering. Soooo gorgeous!

Our little munchkin who is in LOVE with rocks. I think she'd pick a rock over a flower most days. Getting to our destination took a good 3 hours or so. We didn't think much of it at the time, but WOW the kids did AMAZING! Considering most of the way they were just riding on our backs - they didn't complain at all. We stopped to look at grasshoppers, birds, beetles, butterflies, flowers, little cascading waterfalls, etc. oh, and BIG rocks. They were such great sports!

Finally, we made it to Snow Lake! It was beautiful! The water was cold and fresh and you could see right through it to the rocks on the bottom. I guess that is what you call a true Alpine Lake :) We had both done this hike before - I have done it several times, but it sure feels different hiking without an extra 25-35lbs on your back :)

Time to eat some lunch and cool our tired feet off in that icy water.

A nice fellow hiker volunteered to take a pic of all of us together.

I just love the above image of Sawyer. It's so him, so boy. He kept climbing up rocks and I told him to shout "I'm the KING OF THE ROCK!" and Aspen chimed in, in her sort of jibberish way of copying everything he says - I guess you kind of had to be there, but it was cute nonetheless.
Sure got a smile out of big bro.

And Jacob got one of me and the kidlets.

Oh how I love them so!
We made up for all of the calories we burned hiking by downing some burgers, fries, and dessert at Red Robin that evening. We went straight there in all our sweaty-hiked-out glory. Luckily, no one seemed to care.
It was an awesome day. I just love the days we get to hang together as a family, doing a little bit of nothing - yet a lot of everything, all at the same time.
Goodbye, Summer - we will miss you and be counting down the days to when we see you again!
In the meantime, we're getting excited about Halloween, Jack O'Lanterns, Spiced Cider, and Pumpkin Pie! Bring on Autumn!
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