This morning was Sawyer's first day of Preschool!
Here's a few obligatory "first day of school" photos on our way out the door...

in this last one, he's saying "LET'S GO!"
When he turned one, all of a sudden people were asking me if I had put him on any wait lists for certain preschools. Really? I had no idea. No idea, that is, that certain schools were in high demand, that you actually had to visit and apply (sometimes years in advance) that it was so costly, or that other parents would be so concerned about where my child would attend. I wasn't even sure if I would send him to preschool, to be quite honest.
But, last Spring I thought I should do my research, nonetheless - and by March we had done a few visits and he was on a couple of wait lists. The school we liked the best (that also happened to fit our budget - hallelujah!) he was number one on the wait list. I really didn't want to go through the summer on pins and needles waiting to hear, and then at the last minute find out he was "in". So I sort of planned that I would just keep him home and continue with Nature School and maybe sign him up for indoor soccer or something. But in May, we found out there was a spot for him - and after thinking about it - and especially praying, about it - we felt like we should send him. And so, today he went.
And he LOVED it!
Part of the reason I thought of keeping him home was utterly selfish - I wasn't sure I was ready to let him "go" yet. Even if it's only 2 mornings a week for 2.5 hours. But then after talking to a few friends, I realized I was thinking more of myself and less of my boy. Because HE wanted to go. He was STOKED when we visited. He is excited to make new friends, sit in circle time, explore the classroom, participate in show n tell. So I let go of me not wanting him to grow up and I'm letting him. ;)
He's getting so big and is at such a great age. Seriously - I love the threes! I love the "why this and why that stage (x100), and I love the mastery of certain tasks that has come after trial and error. I love that there is a sense of confidence yet still time to be cautious - and utter trust in us, his parents. I remember about this time last year thinking "wow, he sure is two!" not that two is totally terrible - but it had it's challenges. A few weeks ago I found myself saying, "wow, he's three now - this is awesome!" Some of the frustrations of being two are long gone and he is even more of a joy to be around - totally wonderful buddy and big bro. He can do so many things and is such a "smart cookie". I love this little guy!
Last night, I let him pick out the clothes he wanted to wear (he did a pretty good job, if I say so myself - I was crossing my fingers he'd go for something besides shorts and a t-shirt, and he did! Flip flops are inevitable - he is after all, my boy!) He was SO excited! Jacob stayed home this morning and made us all scones for breakfast (Sawyer was too excited to eat more than a bite!) and then we all took him to drop him off. I helped him find his cubby and then almost didn't get a chance to say good-bye since he was so eager to run and explore in the classroom (cars were certainly on the radar). One of his teachers smiled at me and said "he's ready!"
And I didn't cry.
I smiled.
Yes, he is - he's ready and he's going to love it!
Aspen and I dropped Jacob off at work and then ran to the paint store. Halfway there, she started asking "Where's Sawyer?" and she repeated it most of the time he was at school. (did I mention she was utterly disappointed she didn't get to stay at school, too?) When we picked him up, he got a happy grin and an enthusiastic "hi Sawyer!" (she has recently mastered his name and is quite proud of it - it's so cute, too - I really should put some video up sometime!)
I must admit the one positive thing about having big brother gone for two mornings a week is that - for the first time in her life - Aspen and I get to have one-on-one time. We plan one morning to be for errands and grocery shopping and the other one is "just Mommy and Aspen day" where we'll just be -together. Two silly girls. Parks or Zoo or Library or Play Cafes. Just us and that will also be a treat :)
Okay - I know this is getting long. Almost done.
We went to the the park after school and ate some cookies (very special cookies my friend made for me - thanks Allegra!) Then, home for some lunch and now down for naps.
So now, maybe I can cry, just a little. Or maybe I'll go paint our office, instead - distraction is a good thing and our house reaps the benefits.
Overall - a fantastic first day of preschool!
Here's to a wonderful school year for all!
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