Tuesday, July 30, 2013

life lately // july

Here we are, in the middle of summer. Crazy, huh?

Well, July is one of my favorite months because summer is in full-swing and we get to celebrate my favorite holiday - Independence Day. I did a whole post about that already, but we had a pretty quiet and simple 4th, spending some time hiking with our little family, and then enjoying the big booms at the fireworks show. Perhaps that's one reason it's my favorite - it's festive and fun yet a pretty simple holiday to celebrate :)

We are slowly yet surely making progress on our house. Sawyer and Aspen's shared room is just about done - you can't see it in the photo, but I need to hem the curtains. I got them a little shelf to put all the legos on - gotta keep them away from Hazel! She is our child who likes to find everything she is not supposed to and try to eat it, climb it, put her finger in it...etc. You get the idea. So the only "dangerous" small toys we have are Sawyer's legos, and he has to play with them in his room with the door closed to keep her safe. He spends hours in there, building. He LOVES his legos!

Below you can get an idea of how the living space is starting to be transformed. I primed and painted the ceilings and walls - and to get rid of the lego-inspired blue and green that the previous owner had in the living/dining area - it took a few coats of primer and then I always like to do two coats of paint. We used Benjamin Moore Aura in Grey Cashmere, lightened by 25%. It's a soft, cool, gray with a hint of sea foamy blue/green. It's really amazing how paint can transform the feel of a home! We also still need to hire our contractor to fix the wires sticking out of the wall. The previous owner had all these fancy speakers and surround sound and a tv there. But we don't even own a tv and don't want one there, so we are going to have to pay the contractor to essentially "hide" them and repair the wall - the idea being that while perhaps we don't want to utilize the set up, perhaps down the road when we sell the place, someone else would enjoy the set up. But a pain we have to pay to fix it, huh? Homeownership is certainly not cheap! We will eventually finish the wainscoting in the dining room and hallway with board and batten (though I'm still kinda on the fence for the kitchen as I think bead board would also compliment our farm kitchen sink...but we'll see when we get there!)

And...just day to day stuff. You would have no idea from this cute picture of Aspen all dolled up for church that an hour later she would "toss cookies" all over Jacob during church (I was already at home with Hazel who had a fever) - and one by one within hours every one of our family had flu symptoms! In a bad way! It was HORRIBLE. It's one thing for the kids to get sick - but BOTH parents, too? It was a nightmare! Thank goodness it only lasted a bit more than a day. Maybe food poisoning? Whatever it was, it was ugly and we hope we don't see it again for a very long time! 

Our kids love to do art work. Especially Sawyer, who is actually pretty amazing for his age. See the fox he water colored below? I don't think I could do such a cute fox! He had his 5 year check up a week or two ago and the pediatrician was kinda blown away by his artistic ability. Besides his legos, it's another thing he will sit for hours and do - draw and paint. And besides that, if we're not outside doing something, he and Aspen stick together like glue and play hours and hours of pretend together. It's so fun, I love it! I also love to listen to all the things they imagine and pretend - sometimes HILARIOUS! I no there's no guarantee siblings will be the best of friends, but wow do I feel grateful that they are best buds.

Jacob and I both got new "callings" at church. Our church does not have a local paid ministry, so members of the congregation are asked to help out in order to help things run. The hope is that by sacrificing and serving you will learn, grow, and be blessed. We need all the blessings we can get, so we said "yes" to - Jacob serving in the Young Men's Presidency. There is a President and 2 "counselors" that work with the boys from 12-18 years of age. He is specifically assigned to work with the 12-14 year old boys - and also support them in the Boy Scout program - so he went to Scout Camp for a few days. Our family loves to camp - but camping when the nightly low is 90 degrees? Yikes! Kinda uncomfortable. But he did it! And with a good attitude like he does everything. I have no doubt my wonderful husband will be a blessing to those young guys. I said "yes" to working with younger girls (10-11 year olds) doing the Activity Days program. So twice a month I will get to host the girls and come up with some activities that help support them in their goals related to  Faith in God program. I am looking forward to it, as I do love planning activities and in all honesty it will be fun to socialize with these young girls (perhaps future babysitters?!)

We had a couple days of pouring rain, which we needed. Before it started raining, one evening, the temperature dipped down to the high 70s. You have to know it doesn't really cool off here at night, so it was quite a treat. We went outside and let the kids run around, and played a little soccer and tag before bedtime. It was so refreshing!

Otherwise, we are doing our best to enjoy the summer heat! It really isn't as bad as everyone made it out to be (though I hear it's been a "mild" spring and summer comparatively) I think as long as you enjoy heat, you will enjoy summer. If not though, you might wilt and melt! But we have a neighborhood pool within a couple blocks from our house, and we also joined the ymca, so hit up their pool often as well - it's like a mini water park with slides and fun splash pads, and all sorts of fun water features, perfect for families! There's also a lot of city parks that have pools that are way fun. So, as long as you've got A/C and access to a swimming pool - it's great!

Lots of general silliness happens at our house. Sawyer is 5 now, and it just seems like he's getting more grown up. Like over night. He has a fun little sense of humor and says "Mom, I love you so much" repeatedly each day. He does his fair share of trouble making, too. But he really is a good kid with a great heart. It makes me laugh how much he adores wearing his pajamas - he recently got a few new pairs, and he is always so excited to wear them! He and Aspen also LOVE to say prayers and we often have to sit through TWO prayers at meal time because if only one says one, the other is quite upset. And their prayers are so sweet and sincere - blessing friends or acquaintances who are sick or injured, blessing all of the animals and the sea creatures, etc. It's fantastic! Hazel has even learned how to clasp he little hands together during prayers, it's very sweet.

Speaking of Hazel, she also had her one year check up a couple of weeks back (one bonus of her and her brother's birthdays being 4 days apart - they get to share dr. check ups!) She is a whopping 17 pounds now. Whopping is of course a joke - she's super tiny and petite, yet also super strong. She is a cutie! She is also a trouble maker, and she does it with the best little grin! It's both kinda cute and drives me insane that she wants to crawl into the fireplace and sit there. I finally blocked it off with a huge bean bag and some chairs. She loves finding little spots to squeeze into and sit. Anyway, she is a sweetheart and quite the adventuresome little lady!

We got a little bit of a surprise when we found out Aunt Tia wasn't just coming to visit - she wanted to move to Austin, too! So, she arrived a few days ago and is currently searching for a job. She'll be staying with us for a few weeks while she tries to get things arranged and settled. The kids absolutely love having someone around who doesn't have to patrol clean up time or meal time. (ha ha! The bonus of being the Auntie instead of the parent!) We took her to ice-cream and to our churches pool party over the weekend. We are thinking this weekend we need to all go and see the Bats under the Congress St. Bridge. It's been fun having her here! We hope she finds what she's looking for and gets settled and adjusted soon. One of her first observations made me laugh: It's HOT!

Oh, I can't forget to mention how Hazel was quite confused to see someone who looks and sounds so much like her Mama, but isn't. She was very quiet at first and kinda gave Tia a stare down. But she's warming up more and getting noisier by the minute ;) It must be confusing to a baby for their Mama to have an identical twin sister! 

I like to take the kids on little "adventures". I need it every bit as much as they do. I love it when in the morning they ask me, "so, mom - are we going to have an adventure today?" Some days we have to do regular things like laundry or grocery shopping, but I try to just let things slide at least once a week so we can dedicated some time just to each other and exploring together. It really is fuel for all of the other tasks we have to keep up with. I love my little ones SO much (and their Daddy, too! I wish he could join us on more adventures, but someone has to make sure we pay the mortgage, right?) They truly are my everything. Sometimes I get the feeling that at-home-moms are sometimes looked down on as if they don't have aspirations or ambitions. But my biggest aspiration was to be a wife and a mother. I guess I'll have to figure out sometime to do when they're all grown up that is inspiring and good for my soul, but honestly - though for sure probably the toughest job in the world  (but also the best!) motherhood and my babies are my everything. They are even more than I hoped for and dreamed of! Sometimes I look at them and I can't believe they're mine. What sweet souls!

And speaking of sweet souls, one of them is waking up now...so time to sign off!

July has been a fun, yet very crazy month. (I will shout for joy when we have a "boring" or average month without so much craziness!) In utmost honesty, it was also a VERY hard month for me. But slowly, we trudge forward, onward ho, praying for hope and faith - and lots of love - to guide us. 

Next month we look forward to lots of traveling! And my mom has begged me to keep this blog a-goin', so I will give it some thought. Perhaps I can stick with these monthly happenings posts - at least it's a good way to see what we're up to.

Hugs and prayers to those who need them!!



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