Monday, July 29, 2013

Wonders of Nature // Walnut Creek

Never mind the nearly 100 degrees this morning, my soul was in search of an adventure. A little exploration and encounter with nature is a balm for my soul, and I have really been in need of some balm as of late. Of course, my kids delight in the outdoors, too. So heading out for an adventure was a win-win situation for all of us. It always is! Being outside with the sun shining on our shoulders, in our most simple ways, is our happy place, you could say. Some ladies love lipstick. Me - not so much. I love myself the most when I am at my most raw, and natural state. No make-up. No tall shoes. Hair un "did". And I suppose that's a very good thing because if I was all "done" up in this hot and humid summer weather - everything would be melting, curling, and generally just not very becoming. Anyway...we packed up a picnic and headed out this morning...and I even brought "Annie" (my big camera). We had such a wonderful time!

So...when you're feeling down - what is the balm for your soul? 

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