Tuesday, July 10, 2012

one month

I can hardly believe our little Hazel is already one month old.


We have loved every minute of having her join our family. I have been pleasantly surprised at what an easy and natural transition it has been. I polled lots of friends about their experience with going from two to three and half said it did them in and was a crazy ride, while others said it was easier than any other transition. I think I had mentally prepared myself for chaos, but I have been overjoyed that the experience for me - thus far - has been super smooth and easy. It's different for everyone, of course, but after a miscarriage and then a rough pregnancy, I am feeling overjoyed to be feeling good and (semi) on top of things once again. And there are a LOT of things to try to stay on top of - more to come on those things later. So, of course, things are busy, but not crazy, as I somewhat expected them to be. We will see if that trend continues...and hope that it does. And just keep enjoying each day and watching our new little one grow and grow (and sleep and sleep)...she's a sweetheart, for sure.

Sweet little Hazel - at ONE MONTH, you...
-have stolen our hearts away. 
-are still tiny, but are plumping up quite nicely (I love fat, healthy babies!) You still don't fit into 0-3 months sized clothes, but at least now you're fitting well into the newborn sizes :)
-your hair is starting to fall out, especially up front. This happened to your bro and sister, too - and then it just kept getting lighter. Will yours do the same? Or will it stay dark, for once? And still no clue as to what color your eyes will settle on...hazel, perhaps?
-almost always wake up in the evening for storytime and some playtime with your brother and sister, who - have I already mentioned this? - absolutely ADORE you. Something that gets us all laughing is when you flail your arms, out of control like all newborns, and your brother and sister are laying next to you on the floor laughing and giggling "she's trying to tickle us!" I love it!
-have given us some glorious smiles! 
-after two nights of swaddling you and putting you in your crib, you decided you were much more at home un-swaddled and snuggled up in our bed at night. In all honesty, we both sleep better that way! It's so super sweet when your little body turns towards mine, and inches over to snuggle up for the night. I love it :)
-you've been out and about quite a bit! The beach, the park, the swimming pool, Target and Costco - you like to sleep when we're out and about in the baby K'tan or the Ergo, and I love having my hands somewhat free when we're on errands :)
-you are easy-peasy! You only cry when you're hungry. Otherwise, you are bug-eyed and taking in the world. Sawyer and I have started calling you "bugaboo" (which we called him as a baby, too) because you've just got the biggest eyes!
-you must have a very interesting view: every time you open your eyes (or not) your big sister comes running right up to about an inch from your face saying "my baby sister! my baby sister! I looove my baby sister!"  Don't we all, sweet girl!

Oh, and here are a couple of Hazel with her big eyes wide open! We love our baby sister!

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