Monday, July 23, 2012

Outings // Matthews Beach

To celebrate Hazel being 6 weeks old, we took her to the beach to have her first little dip in Lake Washington. Matthews Beach is one of our favorites, and it was such a perfect afternoon, humid and warm, that it was just perfect. She got a lot of compliments on her swimming suit, too :)  

For the record, at her 6 week check up she weighed in at 8lbs 11oz, 20.5 inches. She's still tiny but she is growing growing and healthy healthy, super happy and alert. I know I am biased, but I think she's a very pretty baby. I love her glossy, bright eyes! We still have no clue as to what color they will be eventually, but it's a fun guessing game! 

We dipped her little feet and legs in a few times and the first time she grimaced, but after that she seemed to rather enjoy it. Her sister and brother sure did! There's nothing I love more than hanging at the beach, watching my children play in the water and sand. I love it when they're covered in sand: a true sign of a good time had at the beach!

Aspen was in her own little world, playing with the little waves made by motorboats and jet skis out on the lake. She would do this little run, almost like a little dance, as it crept up to her feet. Back and forth and back and forth. 

Sawyer always makes sure we bring the sand toys along. Especially, his trucks. 

Nothin' like a good puddle jump!

After her little dip, Hazel just enjoyed taking it all in. She loves to watch her big brother and sister and I am quite certain she sits there thinking about the day she can join in the fun. 

I have to say I think the thing I will miss the most when we move will be all of our beaches. Oh, how we will miss them!

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