Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The first time she wore a pretty dress...

Hazel was sooo tiny when she was born, that she had to wear preemie sized clothes, and swam in a few newborn sizes, for weeks. She's 5 weeks old now, and is now fitting nicely into the newborn sizes, but her wardrobe was kind of limited for a long time. The bonus for both Hazel and her big sister, down the road, is that a lot of baby dolls fit into preemie sized clothing, so they will have more doll clothes eventually :)  

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, I felt like playing dress up. I had made a little dress for the bebe out of the liner of a former skirt I had, and I just eyeballed it and had no pattern. So, it turned out super small. I thought maybe I'd just give it to Aspen for her baby dolls, but then Hazel was so tiny, I thought we might give it a try afterall. So, one morning, I dressed up my little doll. It fit! And she looked so elegant for a tiny newborn (hooray, something besides a onesie!) that I just had to take a few pictures of her. Of course I only got around to looking at them two weeks later (things have been BUSY!) but I'm glad I took a few minutes tonight to see how they turned out. 

Crazy and beautiful things have been happening to our family lately. One of the beautiful little things is this little sweetheart of a girl we gladly welcomed into our family. What a little angel we have here! What an amazing blessing!

I'm sure this little lady will soon start fitting into her bigger/cute clothes, but I am glad I captured a few moments of her wearing her first pretty dress...I'm fairly certain it was the first of many pretty dresses to come.

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