Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Celebrations // Sawyer turns four

One week ago, Sawyer turned FOUR!

We knew we might have a new baby, or else be super close to my due date, so we elected to keep his actual birthday quite simple. I asked him what he wanted - and more than anything else, he wanted a cake with a big T-rex on top! Having had Hazel 4 days prior, I elected to do a cake from a box this year - and let him pick out what flavor and what kind of frosting etc. He was really excited about it! It may not be my prettiest cake ever, but it sure was a ROARing hit with our birthday boy!

He was really excited that for his birthday he got to bring a treat to school. Daddy stayed up really late the night before making dinosaur sugar cookies for his class to devour. He got a surprise phone call from his buddy, Max - I think it's the first time anyone has called just for Sawyer. A friend from church also called to wish him a Happy Birthday (thanks, Rob Noll!) It always warms my heart to know there are other people in the world who are thoughtful and loving towards my children. At home, we pretty much had cake and ice-cream, and presents, of course. Sawyer was really excited to wake up and find that Grammie had arrived very late the previous evening, too!

Sawyer had told me for a long time that he really wanted his new baby sister to be born on his birthday, so she could wear a big bow and be his special present. I think he was genuinely a bit disappointed he didn't get to share his birthday with her. What a sweet big brother! He informed me a few days ago that the NEXT baby would maybe get to share his birthday. Hmm...

We planned his party for this coming weekend...crossing our fingers for decent weather. He said this morning, "isn't my birthday usually summertime?" I had to laugh. We've had our fair share of gray JUNE-uary days. Every now and then we get a wiff of summer, but it hasn't hit yet in full force. 

Who would've guessed we'd be so lucky that before our first baby turned four we'd have two more beautiful children? We are so blessed!

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