Friday, June 22, 2012


One morning while Sawyer was at Preschool, I had about 30 minutes and decided to try and take a few pictures of the girls together. As I went through them, oh my goodness sakes, what a treasure they are to me! My girls! Aspen is so in love with Hazel, it melts my heart. She wants to hold her, cuddle her, kiss her, and see her any time she has the chance. She is still little, though, to trust with her, so I am always at her side (or the other way around?) with our baby Hazel. One way we decided she could safely hold the baby herself is on her legs. So, that's where I put her and hoped to grab a few images to remember these days when our girls are still so new to each other. It always makes me smile to hear Aspen start singing to her sister. It's almost like she's a little doll - but Aspen does understand she's even better than any doll. She's her sister...

And OH Brother - we can't forget our Big Brother! When I picked Sawyer up and he came home and saw what I had been doing, he decided for once to let me take a picture of him with his new baby sister (he is not fond of my papparazzi ways). He gave me about 30 seconds and I at least got one good one. He has been oh so gentle and sweet with Hazel. Aspen, of course, is his best friend. What lucky girls to have a big brother like Sawyer!

Maybe one day soon I'll get around to actually taking some newborn pics of our sweet Hazel. In the meantime, I'm so glad I got these - now, which one do I frame? 

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