Monday, June 11, 2012

Hazel's Birth Story

Hazel's birth story is a short and sweet one. She was simply ready to come - and had a "precipitous" birth, just like her sister, but even faster! I wasn't even sure if I was going into labor because I'd had just a few sporadic contractions, so once they did start coming, we had some friends come over to watch the kids. The surges never were very regular - so I had no idea if I was really in labor - it was kind of throwing me for a loop. But around 5pm, they got to the point that I felt most comfortable on the floor in a yoga pose, and so I decided to ask our friends to come over after they were done with work. I told them there was no rush. They arrived at our house about 6:30pm. Jacob talked to them a bit while I made my way towards the car. I said hello, and my friend, Layla, said "you look so composed" - as I wore flip flops and yoga pants and dashed towards our garage. I could imagine the situation looked much different than the movies make it look! As we were backing out of the garage, our neighbor started talking to Jacob, and I decided we should probably just get GOING. We took off to the birth center - which was about five minutes from our townhouse - and as we entered the surges (contractions) were suddenly like a minute apart. I had to stop and get down in my favorite yoga pose (child's pose) in the hallway, and then stop again at the front desk and do the same thing. The nurse said "let's hurry to your room" and I said "let's RUN!"

We got to the room and I got up on the bed for another surge. Through my breathing I asked the nurse if she thought I'd have time to get in the jacuzzi tub (something I've done with both previous births and loved). She didn't really have time to answer - I barely had time to kick off my flip flops and get my yoga pants off because all of a sudden I felt my baby COMING! I barely had time to get my yoga pants off before Hazel came bursting out into the world! We had been at the birth center approximately 10 minutes. She was born at 6:59pm. I surprised myself and pushed her out while on my hands and knees - and as the Doctor on call came running into the room, she didn't even have time to get her special gear on. I pushed once and my water broke and the next time, she was out! I felt like even if I didn't push at all, she would've just swooshed out with the water! Still, I did tear (again - I've torn every time!). They told me I tear in the same spot because it's already weakened, but mostly because I have such quick deliveries. The nurse laughed and said, "to answer your question, NO I don't think you'll have time to get in the jacuzzi!" She also said "I just love it when we have to admit people AFTER the baby has arrived!" We didn't have time to do anything! It happened so fast, Jacob was kind of stunned. It was quick, but so bearable. I can honestly say that it was a delightful labor and delivery! As I rolled over and she was placed on my chest, suddenly I remembered: "Hey! Get the camera out! We need some pictures!" I had asked Jacob to actually photograph the birth this time, to give him something to do since I tend to be very inward during the whole process. But the labor and birth happened so fast, he missed it! Not to mention, he broke his arm the evening before, so it was pretty painful for him to pick up my big heavy camera - but he did anyway to capture the moments right after Hazel came earth side and entered our eternal family.

We literally called our friends who were watching our children about 20 minutes after leaving the house and told them the news, and to tell the kids their sister had arrived :) We spent time with Hazel and then called/texted family and friends and once she was all cleaned up and settled I put a headband on her and took a picture to send out.  I had permission to go home before midnight - but the pediatrician wasn't around that late to check Hazel out and there was no way I was going home without my baby. So, Hazel and I had a little slumber party at the birth center that night. The birth center served us a "celebration" dinner before Jacob went home for the night. We clanked our goblets together, full of bubbly sparkling cider - "Cheers! Way to go, team!" And then we agreed that next time we have a baby we had better go early so we aren't the ones having a baby on the side of the road! Ha!

I couldn't sleep, I was too excited. A new baby is WAY better than Christmas, and I still can hardly sleep, I just love holding her, cuddling her, looking at her, and listening to her cute little breathing and newborn noises. 

So, here are the images my special photographer took (thanks Jacob!) to capture Hazel's grand arrival. We feel so very blessed and lucky to have another sweet baby girl join our family. Her brother and sister just can't get enough - and neither can we. She's super tiny, and just perfect :)  

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