Saturday, June 16, 2012

while we waited to come home...

The night Hazel was born - at 6:59pm - the Doc said I could go home at midnight, if I wanted. I totally should have taken her up on it! We were still at the Birth Center/Hospital less than 24 hours, but it sure felt like FOREVER. Here are a few notes from while we were waiting to come home...

I didn't get a wink of sleep all night long. It was all my own fault - nothing (well, everything) to do with Hazel. She slept sweetly all night long, nursed a couple of times maybe - but mostly, I was just SO excited! A new baby is WAY better than Christmas, but that's how I felt, just so pumped and excited, I couldn't put her down. So, we rested together in my bed most of the night and heard the birds chirping bright and early the next morning. I was STARVING, so ordered food as soon as I could, and I ordered the works! Having a baby can sure work up your appetite!

After I ate, the Doc (a new Doc since the night before) came in to check on me. She said she would discharge me right then, but then we would have to wait for the Pediatrician on call to discharge Hazel. We thought we would be home by noon...

Jacob called and said he and the kids were on their way. I got Hazel all prettified in the headband her brother had picked out for her to wear. I let him pick out all of her clothes for our hospital bag, and he even made sure I packed some cozy pajamas and at least two different headbands for her. It was so cute how proud he was to pick out her outfits :)  Anyway, I got her all ready to meet her big brother and big sister, and of course took some pictures of her while we waited. Jacob was a little slower moving helping both kids get dressed, and himself dressed - with his freshly broken arm (and it's his dominate one). 

After waiting for a while, she got hungry and then tired so fell asleep. She slept through their whole visit!

The kids were beyond excited to meet their sister. They knew she was bringing them a present for her birthday, and they had a few little gifts for her as well. They were so sweet with her! Sawyer is really gentle, and Aspen is really excited and not quite as gentle (unintentionally) but oh the looks on their faces as they finally met the baby we'd been talking about forEVER!

Such a joyful time!

Hazel hadn't been checked out yet, so I sent Jacob home with the kids so they could get some lunch and have their naps. The Pediatrician took her sweeeet time getting to work that particular Saturday, so we didn't get to go home until late afternoon. In the meantime, my wonderful friend came to spend a couple of hours with me and Hazel. Allegra was Hazel's one and only special visitor besides her family :) - thanks Allegra, for keeping us company! AND as Allegra was holding Hazel, she opened her eyes and gave her the very first smile :)  Very sweet!

After Allegra left, Hazel and I just hung out, waiting to go home. I couldn't help but get the camera out while she sweetly slept. I finally found these little felt flowers I had made to stick on her head (I had looked and looked in my bag but couldn't find them earlier) so I put one on and took a few pictures of her, not yet one day old. 

Later, our family came and took us home - we stopped by the Taco Truck on the way home to grab some dinner. We went home and it felt so good to be home with the people I love most in this world. And before we went to bed, we talked about the cake we would make to celebrate Hazel's birthday and homecoming the next day. Oh, what a day!

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